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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @mikelee, What kind of data do you sync? Heavy files or big amount of tiny ones? When you sync Mac Pro -> Macbook, do you just see slow connection speed or some other symptoms (like, saw-shaped traffic)? Which version of BTSync do you use?
  2. @fogbav, Adding such a button won't help. Technically, BTSync presses "Sync Now!" virtual button every 10 seconds, i.e. every 10 seconds a peer compares it's top-level hash to other peers to check if any changes detected. If you still see something unsynced it could be: 1) files in sync ignore which is not equal on all peers 2) files not synced due to selective sync 3) xattrs not synced due to inability to be stored on target file system 4) some bug (for this case I advise to contact our support via mailbox, so we can help you).
  3. @piotrnik, Currently BTSync will stop syncing with no warning. However, we plan to improve error reporting to allow users self-identify the issue happening in future.
  4. @jjayce, Current BTSync architecture does not allow such granularity of access permissions. As you correctly suggested, to achieve that - you need to set a one secret per folder and share all of them to your collaborators. If you want to automate the process in some way - you may use API which grants a lot of flexibility so you might script / code the behavior you need.
  5. @Alec, Here you are: ExtAttr & streams are synced according to the whitelist. It can be adjusted in .SyncStreams file, with same templates as .SyncIgnore. Streams / xattrs that are being synced by default:
  6. @zbigb69, Win7, Vista, Win8: -Open Task Manager -Find the BTSync.exe process -Right click it, choose "Make process dump" For WinXP (and actually all others): - Download Microsoft Process Explorer utility - Run it, find BTSync.exe process - Right click it, choose "Create a dump -> Create full dump"
  7. Guys, Additional device authentication immediately brings another issue. Every new device added will need to be authenticated for the rest of the swarm - which means either bunch of authentication requests OR that the swarm will need some sort of a shared storage where authorized devices might access (we'd like to avoid any centralized storage). Also - think about the device itself. How are you going to distinguish one device from another reliably?
  8. Current API does not allow such granularity. If you want to see if sub-folders are synced - make them a separate sync folders.
  9. @Smithers, GreatMarko take a look on key tracking "inside" BTSync. Note, that there is also an "outside" counterpart: it depends on how do you share the key: if you publish it, say, on some website, website admins can track your IP.
  10. The outer folder includes all the subfolders. So, if you've found out upload / download values for Folder 1 - it also includes all the data in Folder 1, including all subfolders.
  11. @riise317, No such setting. Backup is a backup and it stores photos even if you accidentally delete it on your iOS device.
  12. @urbansi, It is already implemented. Either use API to get access to encrypted nodes functionality, OR - couple of tricks to make it working in UI.
  13. There is no native service / daemon support to BTSync so far. We'd like to add it in future (sorry no precise roadmap / ETA for now). As a workaround you can run BTSync in API mode (via a config file, with API key). It will allow API request-response interface, but won't allow webui though.
  14. @zbigb69, @citronbleu As I understand, the UI of Windows client is not responding, and no actual sync is happening. 1 thing to test and 2 items to collect: 1) try to install freshly released 1.3.93. It has couple of nasty crashes fixed, might be your case. 2) If it still does not help - enable a debug log on your Win machine, make sure that "Not responding" gets there, grab the log file. Then collect a couple of process dumps (2-3 would be fine) with TaskManager. That should be enough to find out what is happening. @unsignedint, Thanks for the log, i'll get back to you when I have something. I guess I already advised to try another browser / clean cookies. @hungarianhc, It means that the process does not crash but exists. Could you please to run it with --nodaemon switch and see it's output to the console?
  15. Hi all, Please see new 1.3.93 desktop client here. Changelog: - various crashes fixes - fixed French localization cosmetic issue Previous build change log.
  16. nesreb, the first log (your laptop, I presume) shows that the file is getting changed periodically from 17:30 to 17:49, and uploaded to RPI accordingly (no any issues). While RPI log is not debug log and does not contain necessary information. Could you please check that debug log is properly turned on on RPI device?
  17. @scus, Please see the same topic for comments.
  18. @ChrisH, You can generate your own 33 chars secret. The format is pretty straightforward: first symbol is a secret type (just put it "A"), the rest is 20-byte base32 encoded random value. As for the rest - additional authentication makes BTSync initial setup even more complex. As always, adding more security reduces usability - and vice versa.
  19. @gregcaulder, "bad shareID" is not something critical. It just means that remote peer asked for share which local peer has no idea of. Usually it happens if local peer hasn't finished loading folder list yet OR - if you removed a folder on local peer and other peers still asking for data from it.
  20. Correct. ctime is stored in BTSync's database - please do not confuse it with file's "Create time", "Modification time", "Access time".
  21. @andewthlow, Few questions to clarify situation: 1. Who (=which process) shows you the error "The directory name is invalid"? Try checking this with some tool (Process Explorer by Microsoft can show you which process the window belongs to). 2. Does it happen to other files / file types? 3. Do you try to run process from the name of another user (see this MS article about the error mentioned) 4. Where do you find the "disappeared" files? How do you determine that they disappeared - check them with Explorer or with some file manager? 5. Do you run some security software (Anti-malware / firewall)? Could you please try to disable security software and see if issue persists?
  22. @dilbert, Let's try to peek into debug logs to see what is happening on your RPI / Mac.
  23. @Jeff, Few questions to clarify what is happening. 1. Current version - 1.3.87, 89 or 90? 2. Is there any event (BTSync upgrade, OS upgrade, etc.) you can bind to the "data not syncing"? 3. Sync failed - how do you know it and what are the symptoms? Do peers see each other in "Devices" tab? Only changed files does not sync, or issue affects also new files in sync folders? Thanks!