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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @captainmark I see. Okay, some info you might find useful while speaking to provider: To function BTSync requires ability to connect over TCP and UDP protocols to port 3000 of the following addresses:,, Also, BTSync needs ability to accept incoming packets (also TCP and UDP), addressed to the port configured in preferences ("Listening port").
  2. @BitGuyR, Do you see the RPI device in Devices list on Mac? Also, is Mac displayed in the table of shared folders on RPI's WebUI? If devices are not visible, I suggest leaving only one active NIC on both Mac and RPI, as BTSync has issues in subscribing to multicast packets if multiple NICs are active. If devices are visible, but no Sync occurs - I suggest checking your firewall settings and if no ports are blocked explicitly - proceeding to debug log collection so I can take a peek what is going on on your system.
  3. @Bine, Thanks for reporting! We'll analyze the dump and fix the issue.
  4. @zkyevolved Note that FAT32 system is rather old and has numerous limitations comparing to EXT4. Probably the most nasty ones: 1) FAT32 is not journaled FS. So, if you encounter sudden OS reboot / crash, drive unmount without flushing buffers, etc - the file system may be damaged. 2) FAT32 uses 32 bits to address the file size - which means it can't be larger than ~4Gigs. BTSync won't be able to sync any bigger files. 3) FAT32 is very plain in terms of access permissions (there are none, actually).
  5. @Pietro Currently it is possible only for mobile devices client. Feature is called "Selective Sync" and is not available for desktops yet. It's already on the wish list.
  6. @rookey, There are 3 timestamps per file in NTFS filesystem: create time, modify time, access time. Sync does not care about create and access - only modify.
  7. @zuzibivoxale, I've attached 1.3.20 APK to the post. I'll check if we can make some download location for it in future.
  8. @ckp, Alright, then it would be "Selective sync" + "Streaming" feature set - still both present in the Wishlist
  9. @jhonan, We are aware of the issue - will fix it soon. Thanks for reminding.
  10. @ckp It looks like your DB gets corrupt. .Conflict files should popup only when 2 files from one OS are mapped into a single file of a different OS. I suggest collecting debug logs (as always, 2 peers at least are required) and sending to me for analysis.
  11. @lastfreedom I don't know such way. API can give you a hint if it is indexing or not, but not the idea of the progress.
  12. @playontv Sorry - I just did not want to dive deep in tech details. Our devs are aware of the ability to wake up in the background. Bad thing is that iOS limits the apps running in the background to http protocol only, so we can't connect over random port using torrent protocol - which is vital to actually sync data.
  13. @lvdata Thanks for the feedback! However, I also was not able to reproduce it in the lab. Any details on your version / OS / anything you believe might be related? @stalk Got dumps, thanks. Will let your know if we've managed to find the root cause.
  14. @visnumber, I confirm the reproduction of the bug in our lab. Thank you for reporting!
  15. @Crocus, Thanks for the feedback. We'll do our best to understand what is happening.
  16. @siulas, Under "freezing" - do you mean that UI becomes unresponsive? Does windows says "this application stopped responding" in the windows caption? How CPU load behaves when btsync freezes - does it peaks or stays the same? Which version of BTSync do you use? If it is older than 1.3.87 - I suggest upgrading, as at least one such issue was fixed in the past. If you use 1.3.87 or newer - it looks to be some other issue which we'll need to debug.
  17. @alanfluff, I suggest checking two simple things at the beginning: 1) Make sure that notifications are allowed in BTSync 2) Make sure that they are allowed in your MacOS (see screenshots below).
  18. @meltingice, Though the log is not set to maximum output, it is still swarming with 2 kind of messages: 1) one complains about communications with sqlite DB (so I suggest checking that the user running btsync has permissions to access storage folder) 2) another says that remote peer is connected but actually does not pick any blocks to download for pretty long time. I suggest collecting full debug logs from 2 peers so I can get a better picture of what is happening.
  19. @mcai8rw2 600 = 600 seconds = 10 minutes. So BTSync rescans folder every 10 minutes for changes. Also, BTSync both monitors the folder for changes AND polls for changes every rescan interval (in certain cases OS notifications might be unreliable). After you disabled the virtual adapters - did you restart BTSync to make a clean experiment?
  20. Attila, I see 2 possible scenarios on what is happening: 1. The file is actually on the disk, but Finder does not see it by some reason. 2. The file is stored in BTSync's cache and not flushed to the disk until Finder restarted (by some reason). Let's try to see which scenario is true indeed. When the issue happens (you see that the file is synced in history, but does not see it in Finder), please follow next steps: 1) Open Terminal window. 2) Navigate to file's expected location using "cd" command 3) use "ls -l" command to see the file list in the directory. Check if file is actually seen from terminal. If you see it in terminal, but not in Finder - I suggest that this is a Finder issue, which is possibly might be called by one of Finder's extensions installed. If you do not see file in terminal - it looks to be a BTSync issue and we'll need to collect debug logs to understand what is happening.
  21. @Philippe, The right solution would be to sync a RO key - and delete files once you don't need them. Currently there is no such functionality to "un-sync" files for Android - but it is already on the Wishlist.
  22. @lastfreedom, It can index and sync simultaneously. As for the initial sync - I would avoid copying DB and let BTSync to create them. 2 main points where compatibility may occur are char encoding and different delimiters in the paths.
  23. @ckp, The feature you ask is known in the community as a "Selective sync". I would not ask you to put it in the Wishlist topic, as it is already there. I think that some day we'll implement this feature. Thank you for the feedback.