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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @mac2000 Currently it is not, and we have this wish in the Wishlist. @tjluoma Yes, its a typo. You should put "*.ext" to ignore some particular extension.
  2. @eazq These are SQLite service files (journal, etc). Technically, SQLite should remove them once the connection to the DB is closed (= you close the BSync legitimately). Do I understand correctly that after you cleaned up temp files - now db-wal is removed when you close the app? @Udon Sure, this is not the final way. It is a workaround for now - it is going to be changed.
  3. @Crocus Currently Sync has to store his service files in the folder it syncs - and removing these files will cease it to function.
  4. Karl, There are 2 things bound to the time delay on Android devices: - "auto-sleep" feature intended to save power if no actual transfers are ongoing, it is enabled by default and it forces the Sync core to sleep and check if there are any data for sync only once per 30 minites - "full folder rescan" feature - rescans folder every 10 minutes (only if core is not sleeping) to detect changes in the files if Android OS did not sent change notification by some reason. According to your description this is not the case. I suggest collecting logs for analysis. Let's start from the Android device: make sure that you've placed new file and wait for 10 minutes - after that tap "Feedback" and agree to send logs. Please put also reference to this Forum topic in the message subject.
  5. @Baz_Singh We just released 1.3.40 for iOS. Could you please try to upgrade and see if issue persists?
  6. @ei96naNi The log is surprisingly short. Did you enable full debug output? Also, the log gave me a hint - when you connect to your NAS over SMB - do you have write permissions to the folder?
  7. @nivis, I see. As I understand the BTSync is running in the background on your Android. Try giving it some time after you've made a picture and see if it syncs within 10-30 minutes.
  8. @ei96naNi Could you please collect full debug log from the peer which can't index files?
  9. @nivis Do your Android and home server "see" each other (server will show android in Devices tab, while Android device will show "devices connected: 1" next to folder name) when you can't transfer photos?
  10. @biggles621, @Alexey Solonets It is designed behavior. Once you delete photos on your PC, iOS device will "see" that some photos are missing and will want to upload them. However, the PC does not accept already deleted files (as, actually, any other read-only peer): it records the deletion fact in DB and will no longer get this file. You can force Sync on PC to restore removed / changed files by adjusting folder setting "Restore modified files".
  11. @ei96naNi As I understand, when you try to store files on the NAS over SMB protocol (so-called "network shares" starting with "\\...") - the indexing can't index all files. I suggest trying to map your NAS as a network drive - it might help as OS processes SMB shares slightly different from other devices in OS.
  12. @EnricoMontecaggi Can I get full logs from both your peers for analysis?
  13. @dl97ag Yes, we'll need logs. If the Sync consumes a lot of CPU even when no other peers are online - then I'll need only your WD device logs, configured to full output. @jedie It depends on a hardware. We've tested up to 1M files on modern desktops. One file\folder consumes around ~400 bytes in the memory, which brings us to 160Mb of memory for 400k files. It could be an issue for boxes like RPI, not sure about NAS storages - they vary greatly depending on the model.
  14. Jack, Wow, really glad to hear that the issue is resolved now! Could you please also share the model of your router so we can identify same issue in future? BTW, was this feature on by default?
  15. Anna, Did you add files to ignore lists on all your peers? For example, if you add it to ignore list only on a receiving peers, still would like to send them - and show in the upload queue.
  16. @johnny1496 Can I get full debug log output, preferably for 2 peers that try to sync? It will help to identify the issue.
  17. @nectar Thanks for the crash report. We'll identify why is it crashing and fix it.
  18. Thanks for sending logs over e-mail. We'll contact you after initial debug log analysis.
  19. @EddyLB Actually, Sync 1.3 has a special code, intended to replace illegal characters with underscore symbol. It is surprising indeed that in your case it causes high CPU load. Can you please share more details on which OSes and filesystems you sync the file with special chars? Also - is app still responsive when it gets to 100% CPU or it freezes?
  20. @MB_CAPE Will be happy to finally find the root cause!
  21. @ficedula Thanks for the logs. Seems that would be enough to fix the issue.
  22. @dolfandringa I need a full debug logs from both Linux and Windows machines. The chunks of logs you show contains one error which is very likely the reason ("failed to verify group signature of files message") and I need both whole logs to identify if this is something new or something we already familiar with. Thanks!
  23. @DerZyklop Thanks for sharing your ideas. We'll consider them when coming to the actual implementation.
  24. @BitGuyR I suggest that you checked who is the owner of the folder. I need full, non-truncated debug logs from your RPI and other machine it can't sync to. This should give us comprehensive answer on what is happening.
  25. @gibby916 Our devs team is doing certain speed optimizations as well as a tool suited to catch and debug communication speed issues. I suggest to wait until both items are complete (ETA is several weeks from now) - and your issue either will be resolved by optimizations already done, or could be debugged.