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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @johatfie, How much of your bandwidth is occupied? Do you see some obvious bottlenecks - like, CPU raises to 100%? Usually, BTSync tries to occupy whole bandwidth, but if it sees that it interferes some other application it frees the channel. Is there any other apps running and utilizing a lot of bandwidth?
  2. Please see build 1.3.94 here. Changelog: - Various crashes fix The build is also published to the auto-update. Previous build change log.
  3. Hi all, Sorry for delay. The build will be available on today.
  4. @zbibgb69 !sync file is a temporary BTSync file which contains the data transferred from other peers. You don't need to manage them manually, sync will do that for you. The log line you display actually normal line and indicates there is no error. Could you please elaborate if there is any functional issues that you suffer?
  5. @BitGuyR The log looks to be truncated, so I cant determine what is wrong with it. Is Dropbox still running on your PC and are folders that does not sync still added to it? If yes - i suggest trying to remove Dropbox or disconnect folders from it as a test. Also, could you please elaborate about symlinks? Note, that BTSync usually does not follow symlinks, just syncs them as is even if they get broken on a remote peer.
  6. @merlinuwe, Actually I see that you use port 8888 for webui interface so it should not collide with BTSync's core listening port. Answering your question - the first one binding to the port should win. Most likely that would be core. The predefined host section goes per folder, so you actually need to duplicate it in every folder to be functioning..
  7. The vote you are referring to is dedicated to uTorrent client, not to BTSync. BTSync Wishlist is organized as a forum topic. I understand that many people would like to hear something like "we are working on it", "feature on the way", etc. But I do not like to set any false expectations for our users: you should keep in mind that BTSync is now in Beta development phase ("Perpertual beta" to be more precise, as @nils stated some day on the forum), so its development plans might change.
  8. @Dannye2k3 Technically, there is a way to accomplish it. You can run 2 instances of BTSync on a single PC. They should store DB and service data in different folders - so you have to run them either for 2 different users OR with config file pointing to different storage location. However, these 2 instances will still sync data using network stack which is far from optimal for a single PC (syncing data on a single PC is not something BTSync was designed for)
  9. @shallowz Sorry - cannot share ETA for now.
  10. @Flyfree, I'm missing the point where the issue occurs. After you reinstalled BTSync on mac - you may click the "Add folder" button and enter the same secret as on RPI. Could you please elaborate what is happening with your BTSync? Couple of screenshots can make it much easier to understand. Thanks!
  11. @klausemann, Please see your mailbox - our support should approach you with a possible fix / debugging version.
  12. @mcai8rw2 Indeed, the issue very likely bound to non-standard interface name. We are going to change the behavior with non-standard interface names in next major release.
  13. Andy, What are the limits you are setting up? BTSync is not very precise if limits are low (below 100kb/sec). Also, the speed you are trying to limit - is it LAN speed or internet speed? BTSync does not limit LAN speed by default, only internet.
  14. @willielassiter, We'll see what can be done here. Please do not expect a very quick turnaround here, it might take rather long time as our primary target for Android are mobile devices.
  15. @grilledsandwich It looks like there is some issue in BTSync package for NetGear. We are preparing a fix - and i'll let you know shortly.
  16. @agrajag Thanks for reporting an issue, that's great that you already attached crash report - all we need for now!
  17. @jwest7788 BTSync does not indicate problematic files. Actually, in 1.3 it should simply skip them - so i'm surprised to see that indexing has stopped. Can you please share your debug log?
  18. @jpf321, To which peer Mac wants to upload whole bunch of data? Most likely it did not manage to merge the file tree with that peer, that's why Mac shows that it wants to upload whole bunch of files. It is not only cosmetic - as it indicates some issue in communications between Mac and that peer. I suggest collecting Mac's and "that peer"'s log and submitting a support ticket.
  19. @victorct, Could you please share more details on the issue? How often? Stably reproduced? Which kind of file? What is the file usage scenario? Thanks!
  20. @cheesecake, Indeed, mobile devices are using tracker and relay server by default. Even more, when peers are communicating each other - they also share the information on IPs and port of other peers with the same shares. For example - in your environment PC has no access to tracker and relay, while tablet has. Tablet can contact your cellphone (which is not in LAN) over internet. And, Tablet will let phone know the IP:port of your PC, so - phone can talk to PC from internet - and PC will response. So, to support the "LAN only" setup all the peers must avoid using tracker and relay server, which is not possible for mobile phones currently. All I can advise for now is to put some false IPs (localhost, for example) to hosts file on your mobile devices if this is possible. Or just block certain IPs (again, if possible). You need to prevent access to 3 locations:,,
  21. @JimKnopf I'll check if the fix is going to be included in 1.3 or in 1.4 - and will let you know.
  22. @zaxius, Could you please try to open a "Web-developer / Javascript console" in your browser (the console name might slightly differ depending on the browser) - and provide me an output of what do you see there after you clicked the "Generate" button? The console interface is very limited for BTSync, so you won't be able to add/remove folders there. However, there is HTTP-based API which allows even better control over BTSync functionality.
  23. @Crocus, Write-protecting .syncID is not an option - BTSync needs it to write data to it. .SyncIgnore is slightly different from .SyncID: .SyncIgnore contains textual data in UTF-8 encoding, while .SyncID is pure binary file. I'm not familiar with DailyRoad Voyager, but it might have some more complex logic on files cleanup. BTW, what makes you thing that DRV is the app responsible for syncID deletion?
  24. @alanfluff, I see. What about the rest of apps? Are you able to get notifications in general from other apps? BTSync knows what Growl is and knows how to talk to it. My suggestion would be - there are some remnants of Growl are in the system, BTSync tries to talk to it while Growl actually does not deliver notifications. I suggest also taking a look to the article below, describing how to remove Growl completely.