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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @glennpowers Actually, even if folder is unmounted - BTSync still should see other devices with the same secret. I need debug logs from 2 peers to understand what is happening. @neiaberau Same here. I need debug logs. All the settings for the folders are stored in sync.dat - and unfortunately it can't be dumped to JSON format, sorry.
  2. Hi Jack, On your test #2 the SSDP protocol is not related to BTSync instance discovery - it is intended to find routers. I wonder, if you saw any multicast packets to address over port 3838? These would be the packets responsible for device discovery. In 1.2 BTSync was sending it on a regular basis to find devices in LAN. In 1.3 BTSync sends multicast packets only for few seconds when it starts / joins new network. Also, any chance to take a glance at your logs from both Android and Linux?
  3. @dfarzin 1. Check if btsync process is actually running. 1a. If it does not - try starting it with --nodaemon switch, see what it says to the terminal window. 1b. If it does - try enabling debug log and see for any hints what is happening (or share log to me)
  4. @jedie Please check if: 1. Some folders could have wrong permissions so BTSync can't open them 2. If there are some zero-sized files (they are not counted by BTSync).
  5. @JAnguita It is not a single issue we have in BTSync. Our developers are working hard on both fixing existing issues and developing new version of BTSync. We plan to add option to disable xattr sync in future.
  6. Anna, This is a known issue - BTSync can't sync OSX extended attributes to Linux machines, that's why they are hanging in queue all the time. As a workaround I suggest adding them to .Syncignore list.
  7. @ficedula Which version of BTSync do you use? This was a common issue in 1.2 versions: the indexing got stuck when it stumbled upon folder\file it can't read by some reason. If you are using 1.3, not 1.2 - can you please share the logs so we can take a peek what is going wrong? Send them to syncapp@bittorrent .com, also refer this topic in message body.
  8. @arynhard, What is your dir depth an the longest path on non-encrypted peer? Encrypted names are ~+30% longer, so it might happen that target FS does not accept such long paths.
  9. @eazq replica4 should seed the file to 1 and 2. I need logs set to full debug output. When you bring back replica4 to site1 and it does not share it's data to replica1 and 2 - give it couple of minutes to populate the log, then collect logs from 1 and 4. @nickluck Same here. I need debug logs from 2 machines that does not sync. @masterkain, @Udon, @Native Advertisement Apple's xattrs could not be synced to your Linux machines - linux does not accept them. I suggest adding xattr names to .syncignore to avoid such issue.
  10. Hi all, Thanks for your feedback. Issue is fixed and will be available in one of 1.3 release builds soon.
  11. Hi gents, Just to make sure that we are not confusing with the terminology: - You've generated a key starting with "D..." on your PC - You've got an encryption key starting with "F..." derived from your "D..." key - You put the "F..." key on another PC (@antimojv - Win7, @brisance - QNAP) - and see no files. Is this correct or I'm missing something?
  12. Ah, now I see what you are saying. They are escaped in a pretty strange manner - split by 7 bits. I'm still checking why we do so and how it can be changed. Thanks for explanations.
  13. @rheftmann If I understand correctly your task, at the end of day you want to grab all the font files from one computer and put them in one place, right? Actually Sync doesn't look a proper tool for that. The most appropriate tool would be writing some script which can search and maintain the DB periodically.
  14. all, Thanks a lot for your advises. As I mentioned before - we would like to make BTSync working in a background on iOS. Once we'll have a possibility to implement it - we'll do it.
  15. @supercilious It is a known issue for 1.3. But, if you are adding explicitly a junction as a sync folder - why don't you resolve it manually and simply add your 1TB HDD instead?
  16. @labeebahmad32 BTSync shows both amount of data left to upload / download AND upload / download speed. Please see sample screenshot below.
  17. You can use SHA-256 then Base-64 encode it. You'll get exactly 40 characters. Also, you can simply base-64 encode your sentence as well, it just needs to be more than 32 chars length to get 40 symbols in Base64
  18. @aid85 Currently - not possible. The default set of entries for .Syncignore file can't be changed now. This wish was already mentioned in Feature Requests forum, so no need to duplicate it.
  19. @aid85 Thanks for the detailed issue description. Mobile clients has no functionality to generate secrets. I suggest dropping a word to Feature Request forum.
  20. @okibcn In general it is not recommended to have different .syncignore on different PCs. The main drawback you are going to get - all the peers will never show you "Synced". Video server will always want to upload videos on Pictures server (which does not accept videos) and vice versa. "All files" server will show that it wants to upload all videos to pics server and all pics to videos server.
  21. @forest BTSync does not scans files all the time. It subscribes OS notifications for file changes and rescans folder every folder_rescan_interval. The rest of the time it just exchanges messages with other peers available to see if any changes are happening on other peers. Do I understand correctly, that BTSync consumes some CPU usage even when nothing is actually happening (no sync ongoing, no changes are done on sync folders)?
  22. @eazq Thanks for detailed description. It is not designed behavior. By design, replica1 and replica2 in your sample should get file from both replica4 AND replica3. I wonder, when your laptop (replica4) is connected to site1 - and you put some file to it, does it use LAN connection to transfer it to replica1 and replica2? Is LAN connection used by BTSync in general when your laptop is in site1?
  23. @mattwillfixit Mail logs to Please refer to this forum topic as well.
  24. @Baz_Singh The issue with not showing correct devices number is known for 1.3.35 for iOS client and will be fixed. The fact that you don't see any files in the folder is a different story. From my log I see that we've managed to connect via relay server, not directly - and your iPhone does not request any files. Could you please try to add my share again - and turn on the automatic sync as well (the files are not very big, couple of megs in total) - i'll monitor what is happening on my side.
  25. @kkaland Indeed, this happens due to duplicate peerID. Please follow Support Team instructions to reset it.