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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @willielassiter, Could you please try to play with "Mobile internet"? Usually it helps to enable ethernet on devices running Android which has no mobile data but has ethernet instead. Also, which changing the setting - give BTSync couple of minutes as it might take a while to pick up new adapter.
  2. @PhoenixLogan57777, Which version of BTSync do you use? Which OS? The issue you describe sounds related to 1.2, and it was successfully resolved in 1.3.
  3. @Dr Jeff, Glad to hear that it is resolved now. We do not publish all the builds released to public to auto-updates. Auto-update change is a pretty rare event and we publish only the most stable builds there. @Nailbreak, When did it happen? If he was locked out with 1.2, I suggest trying 1.3 version, as it uses a different protocol to transfer data and may be already not blocked by your friend's ISP.
  4. @mixmix, I totally agree with you - the error reporting and analysis is something to be improved in BTSync. We'll implement it eventually. Thank you for your feedback.
  5. @visnumber, Well, it might happen that xattrs are indeed not synced, but I really doubt that they are these GBs of non-synced files. I suggest there is some other reason. 1. Check that your firewall is not blocking BTSync. The most simple way to check it - disable a FW. 2. Make sure you have enough space on receiving peer. 3. Not sure about OSes in your setup (only macs?) - make sure that BTSync has enough permissions. Does sync queue shows anything except xattrs? If all the above does not help to find solution - please provide me logs to take a look what is happening.
  6. @roseap, First of all - please check that the desktop link is indeed a directory junction (not a symlink, not a shortcut). If this is not your case - try to collect debug logs and see what is happening inside regarding your desktop link.
  7. @tebazil, Devs are working hard to improve BTSync and make it more reliable. I also suggest that your issue was fixed in one of development builds.
  8. @zbigb69, The file mentioned in the log is not actually a file, it is an apple's Extended Attribute (xattr), some additional data hiding in the aaa.mp4 file. Can you please let me know if it can't sync between Macs or between Mac and Windows? If the second - what is the file system of the disk where your sync folder resides on Windows? My guess is that it is something not-NTFS and simply does not support alt streams. If this is not your case - I urge to see your debug logs, collected from 2 peers which can't sync xattr.
  9. @SpencerH, There is not too much details, but i'm a little familiar with scenario you describe. 1. You try to add a folder when you get this message. 2. The folder you try to add was actually added before and was not properly cleaned up (old file .syncid is still present in the folder). 3. The old .syncid file does not match to the new generated secret - therefore, BTSync shows you the message and when you choose to "Reset ownership" - it is going to overwrite .syncid with a new ID derived from the new secret - and fails due to permissions issue. 4. As settings are also not saved, I suspect he same issue - permissions denied. My suggestion would be - the user running BTSync has no RWX permissions to both sync folder, and storage folder.
  10. @mikelee, Try one small test before upgrading your hardware: change the advanced setting "disk_low_priority" to false and see if it helps.
  11. @Crocus, Right question would be on how come it is missing - is it some issue in BTSync, some 3rd party app or accidental deletion? If it was accidentally removed - it is not a huge issue, while if it is issue in BTSync I'd like to capture it. Please let me know if issue pops up again. BTW, if it does - don't hesitate to tap the "Send feedback" ASAP - maybe we'll get the issue trace in the log.
  12. @think-, Is the auto-sleep option on when you are doing the changes on the Android phone? If yes, it may be the reason as during sleep period BTSync unloads the core for power saving and does not detect any changes on filesystem.
  13. Jack, Linux clients should not answer UPnP or PMP protocols. They are target to routers first of all, not to other peers. Other peers should answer LAN discovery packets, they are sent over to port 3838 to multicast address. Do I understand correctly that as soon as you disable auto-sleep option, the issue with syncing Linux machines with Android is gone?
  14. @hairfarmer88, It needs permissions to read and write files and list directory content in Sync folder, and all subfolders. It might not be the owner of subfolders - if all demands above are satisfied.
  15. @smartinmedia, Currently there is no way for BTSync to reduce amount of memory consumed per file. However, I can suggest a trick which you can use to sync that amount of files. 1. Most likely, your data can be split in some smaller logical pieces (like, sites, or customers, or some other division). 2a. Use API to add folder, sync it, remove. 2b. OR - use config files, one per logical piece. Run BTSync with the config file, shut it down once sync is done, run next.
  16. @tecrob, Glad to hear BTSync helped you! Will let the team know your feedback
  17. @hungarianhc, BTSync can't sync apple's xattrs to one of your Unix machines. This is known issue, will be fixed in future releases, for now you can put appropriate xattrs to the .syncignore @merlinuwe, 1. Please recheck, most likely an upgrade issue indeed. 2. Will check in lab. 3. Please share more details - how did you gen keys, where did you put them, what are the symptoms. 4. Do I understand correctly that you are using dynamic names from Please check if they get resolved into correct IPs. 5. There is no such option for mobile apps now.
  18. @mysiar, I tried to reproduce it in my lab, no success. Are you sure that the folder you mentioned is a folder indeed - not a shortcut / symlink / dir junction?
  19. @milleri, We are planning to solve the issue with Mac -> Linux xattr sync, but solution is not ready yet.
  20. @andewthlow, 1. These are dynamic libraries, not processes. Please see screenshot below: run procexp, drag the target icon to window head, and it will select the process owning the window. 4. Screenshot would be great. Also, you can right-click the file to see it's path. 5. Try disabling Avira for a longer time - and see if it helps. On-access file scanners sometimes bring pretty weird issues.
  21. @billerr, Could you please share what was wrong with the installation and how did you resolve it so other users may use it as guide? Thanks!
  22. @Crocus, This error pops up when the sync folder does not contain the .syncid file anymore (someone or some app has delete it) or the file is invalid (was copied by mistake from other peer). Could you please check if the file is there? Note, that it is hidden so you'll need some file browser with ability to see hidden files.
  23. Hi Merk, That's pretty surprising. As soon as some peer is detected with the same share - it immediately appears in the devices list. It simply cannot happen in other way: as soon as peer connects to the tracker server, tracker will let other know at least - it's IP and port to get connected - and other peers will display it. Also, remoter peer's name is displayed in Transfers tab and in History (see sample screenshots): Also, you can turn on debug logs and see which peers are connected to your one. I would appreciate if you can share the logs and screenshots for your case.