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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @pkaplan Identity connection (and My Devices in general) is not available in Sync Free. If you are using trial version - you'll need to activate trial on both computers to actually link If you are using Pro version - you'll either need to activate trial first, or apply key on both your peers before linking. Indeed the existing flow is not optimal - though we are working to make it a) convenient for existing users simple and clear for novice users
  2. @jdrch If you are using plain binary from our site - follow Kos' instructions. Although if you use Leo Moll's PPA package - update will be a bit more complex, you'll need to locate the config file and edit few settings (see this topic for details).
  3. @knireis I understand that. Sorry - still can't promise anything about official packages for now. Making a minor fix in the client is the fastest thing we can do now. @chrisvdb Few params were removed from the client, while it looks like Leo's package is using all of them.
  4. @knireis Not at the moment. Although, after the update simple binary replacement should work.
  5. @eldrin You should get all 3 files the same. Could you please send all diffrerent ones that you get to me? I'll take a look what exactly is different. Send them via support page, mention that ticket goes to me. Thanks!
  6. @eldrin Managed to reproduce. Issue is that Sync FREE does not download files from MD folder - and license as well. We'll fix it, for now simply apply license to other peers manually.
  7. @all, I suspect we've found why Leo's packages are not working. We plan to address it in upcoming hotfix release.
  8. @eldrin Should propagate automatically. We'll retest in lab. Just to make sure I understand your setup correctly: 1) 2 peers 2.1.x, linked with My Devices. 2) You upgrade both, install PRO license to one and it does not propagate? @hungarianhc Try it now, its fixed.
  9. Yes! We've cleaned up redundant messages in debug logs significantly to avoid HDD space consumption and enabled them by default. Having that, we greatly increase chances of capturing issues if they happen. Thanks for reporting - we are fixing it... We are working to get NAS builds closer, although there always will be some delay to get them delivered to official stores as it depends more on NAS vendors. We'll consider that for sure. For now I suggest mentioning official package in Feature Requests forum. How many files do you have? Could you please run "perfmon /res" and see which system resources are bottlenecked? CPU? Mem? HDD I/O?
  10. @all Please see fresh 2.2 update - it has addressed issue with MS Office, Autodest, Adobe addressed!
  11. @eldrin Well, it might happen that at some point your Aspire machine has changed the PeerID - which caused duplicate computer. Its hard to say now without having full debug logs. Didn't you change any hardware? When Sync detects hardware change, it re-generates PeerID as it suspects to be copied to another computer and wants to avoid PeerID duplication. Thanks for clarifying your use case about "My devices". Actually, "My Devices" considered to be a Pro feature in all 2.x releases. As its main purpose is to transfer service data (like, list of folders and their keys) between your devices automatically is not working in Free version, we decided to disable it to avoid users being confused.
  12. @eldrin Now I see, thanks. We'll address it. Just a side question - My Devices is pretty much useless in Free version. What are you using it for?
  13. @eldrin It reproduced in my lab with Free version of Sync - indeed, in this case there is no cross button and all devices look to be grayed out. Is it your case or you are using Trial / Pro?
  14. @kamborio Was fixed in freshly released 2.2.0.
  15. Dear community, Sync 2.2.0 is now available! Jump into our blog post for quick review of major changes introduced. You can get it via official download site or using direct links below. Build is not yet pushed to auto-update. Direct Download Links: Installer for Windows: x86 installer x64 installerPackage for OS X: OS X packageGzip archive for Linux: ARM i386 x64 glibc23_i386 glibc23_x64Gzip archive for FreeBSD: i386 x64A regular list of what's new, improved, changed, and fixed in this version is available in the change log. Also, here is latest Android 2.2.0 APK
  16. @bouillon Try locating "StreamsList" file (it resides in hidden .sync subfolder in the folder you synchronize), edit it and add a line user.*Do it on both computers, restart Syncs, see if now requested xattrs are synced.
  17. @rbtsync Every folder has its own associated key (formely secret). Your customers will only have access to folders which keys were shared with them. If you want to run it headless, you probably would like to start it with "--config" switch. See this section in our Help Center for more details.
  18. @all That sounds like a good feature request, so I'm moving it to relevant subforum.
  19. @bouillon Yes, now Sync supports xattrs, although only white-listed ones. See this article for details.
  20. @rbtsync It is not possible. Existing config is stored in Sync's internal format and can't be converted to JSON. What actually you need to know from your existing config?
  21. @rbtsync The trick here is in "secret" parameter. If you are running Sync on Linux - you can use command line to generate a secret. Once you put the same secret on 2 different peers, they'll connect and sync data.
  22. @AzimutTheUt Its planned in one of future releases - stay tuned for updates.
  23. @meeting minutes For the music: You can achieve that with Sync. You need to add your music collection on your PC to Sync. Then share Sync folder to your Android device as "Read-only" so your Android won't be able to modify it. On Android you need to deliver it to "/Android/data/com.bittorrent.sync" path on ExtSD card (other locations are not allowed by Android OS for ExtSD). For the pictures: You can make a backup from Android to PC, then all pics you delete on Android will stay on PC, and all pics you delete on PC will not be removed from Android. Is that something you need? For the whole Sync: Yes, it requires both your peers to be up and running to actually transfer data. For Android Sync loads once per 30 minutes to exchange changed data by default in background, or Syncs immediately if you keep it running on foreground.
  24. @Neurone Note, that in this case all your folders are gone and you have to re-share them with all your devices from scratch. You can achieve pretty much same (except trial reset) if you choose "unlink device" from my devices - see screenshot below.
  25. Dear community, Sync 2.1.4 is now available. You can get it via official download site or using direct links below. Build is not yet pushed to auto-update. Direct Download Links: Installer for Windows: x86 installer x64 installerPackage for OS X: OS X packageGzip archive for Linux: ARM i386 x64 glibc23_i386 glibc23_x64Gzip archive for FreeBSD: i386 x64A list of what's new, improved, changed, and fixed in this version is available in the change log. Latest Android build is now also available via direct link: 2.1.0 APK