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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @dlarson2 Unfortunately, the iOS itself only allows 1 file to be "Open in...". In iOS 8.4 Apple introduced mechanism of extensions, allowing to one app to peek into jail of another app, although it looks like Photos app does not utilize it.
  2. @paedrae I'm missing what happens in your environment. Note, that "My devices" and linking devices does not work in Sync Free 2.2.5. Therefore your "Link device" button is disabled. If you got at least one device PRO or Trial - you can copy the M-key from there and paste it to Manual Connection box to get devices linked. Please elaborate if I misunderstand you.
  3. @LarsWentorp Which versions of Sync do you use? We got this issue in early 2.0 releases and it was definitely fixed in 2.1 and 2.2. If old version is not your case - go ahead and submit us support ticket with debug logs.
  4. @Brad@IO Could you please check it? It's important as issue you describe was fixed for Standard folders in 2.2.5 (while still exists for Advanced ones - its a bit more complex to fix it for advanced folders). Just open your folder share dialog, if it shows you "key" tab - it is standard one, otherwise it is Advanced.
  5. @brixtonia Not at the moment, although we are working to get it fixed. For now Sync has permissions to save data to: /Android/data/com.bittorrent.sync on your ExtSD card.
  6. @jpw3 Sorry - the article on security is not yet published. Still, Sync is using SRP to negotiate session key between two peers, while SRP provides perfect forward secrecy.
  7. Hi Willem, It's a bug, will be fixed soon. When you disconnect folder on Linux from regular UI - same issue happens, all empty folders are removed. The "deletedirectory" setting does not mean anything anymore - was removed recently (altogether with ability to delete all files in UI when user disconnects folder). We'll update documentation also, thanks for reporting.
  8. @coewar This is a known issue - Sync 2.x does not work well in multi-user environment. This is going to be fixed soon, I apologize for inconvenience. For the options question - all public options are listed in help. The /NOINSTALL, /BRINGTOFRONT and other non-listed are service options therefore they are not shown for now.
  9. @rupa This is by design. Sync creates directory tree immediately after it knows about it. Though it only shows files that were selected by user for delivery.
  10. @Raddynodetour Sorry about that. Looks like IPB still can't fix it. Just follow this link to adjust you avatar.
  11. Hi Andy, The percentage is a bit tricky in Sync: due to distributed nature, you never know the precise amount of data that resides in a folder. There might be a peer that have more data in a folder - but you simply have no contact with it right at the moment, while remote peer can have contact. So the progress shows the percentage of data left to upload / download since this data was requested by us / remote peer. For example, if remote peer has 10 files of 10 gigs in total, and we started getting them, progress will crawl from 0 to 100% measuring these 10 gigs. If then we've stopped in the middle of transfer and started it again (and we are missing 5 gigs) - progress will start again from 0 to 100%, this time measuring leftover 5 gigs. Hope it helps.
  12. @ewanger We are aware of this feature request by our community members and would like to implement it in future. For now you can peek in that topic as people discuss ways to run sync as service and not to demand any users to be logged in. I tried to run Sync in lab environment under SYSTEM account using Task Scheduler - it worked just fine and can be controlled remotely via WebUI. Although in a real environment there might be issues with accessing delivered files by other users, as all of them going to belong to System user. I understand your frustration due to absence of particular feature in Sync, although there are lots of real world usecases where Sync does a good job for our community members. Take a look in a relevant subforum if you are interested.
  13. @hakujin It's definitely pre-2.0. Even several latest 1.4 builds still work with archive. I wouldn't recommend to roll back to that old builds. Sorry about that - and note, that we are aware of your request to make it configurable.
  14. Here you are: .bts .btsc .btsd .btss .btsp .btsf .btsg .btsi .btsa .btsv .btsz
  15. @Lion There could be many reasons both legitimate and not. Could you please share more details about your HW and environment?
  16. It hardly depends on your usage scenario. We were getting a lot of complains about re-downloading files and did our best to address it. Our manpower is finite and we have to choose which issues needs to be addressed sooner and which later. We are getting a lot of feedback about Sync and are really grateful to our customers and community for it. Hopefully, some day we'll manage to address all of them. Well, there was a bug in the past when Sync was moving everything to the archive - pretty much like a desktop application, for 30 days. I'm not sure if there is a build which does not store anything in the archive or if we moved to 1-day archive right after that - I'll check it out.
  17. @Sunrise Actually, this error popping up on "SyncFolderNotify" event indicates that you are out of inotifies. Could you please run command cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watchesand let me know the output? Most likely that would be something humble like 8000. You'll need to increase it to get Sync working.
  18. @lozdog It should be available in more regions soon. Stay tuned.
  19. @nv-bn The Sync itself does not support multi-users for Linux. Once started, it is going to create files and folders using current user and usergroup as owners and using their umask for file permissions. By default, Sync on Synology runs under admin user. I can see 2 ways how you can deal with separate users. For both you'll need to SSH to your Synology and manually tweak the way Sync runs on your NAS. 1) Make sure that Sync's user (either admin or any other you decide) also part of group where your family members are. Ensure that umask for new files created has "RW" permissions for group, not only for users. If you decide to run Sync not from admin users - ensure it has enough permissions to its own files (/usr/local/bittorrentsync/var) and folders where users keep their files. 2) Run separate instance of Sync for every user on your NAS. It's pretty straightforward here - though you'll need to also ensure that every instance has its own storage folder and is started when OS loads.
  20. @tobidelbruck Unfortunately, Linux version of Sync has very poor integration with shell. Therefore, links are not going to work. You are totally right, the only way to add link for Linux would be copy it and paste to "Manual connection" box. No other workaround currently available - sorry.
  21. @lozdog I'll check it and get back to you.