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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @eldrin I apologize for inconvenience. We'll implement a switch to disable such notifications
  2. Hi nat, Anwering your questions: 1) "My original problem" 1.1 Yes and no. BTSync preserver files (but not folders) mtime on all OSes except Android. On Android itself mtime may be reset to current time by OS itself. Sync keeps true mtime in its database to prevent resetting it on all connected peers. 1.2 Currently, you need desktop to be involved to start with 2 android devices. But later you can remove desktop from equation and androids will work fine.Though, it is still highly advised to have some "always online" non-mobile peer: on android, Sync usually sleeps and wakes up once per selected period (30 mins by defailt) to check for other peers and changes it needs to Sync. If 2 devices are waking up all the time in different timespans - they'll never sync. 2. Yes, you can Sync remotely without cloud. Though note, that in P2P technology you'll need at least one peer to be online to actually get data from. 3. Yes, you can. If you are using Sync for personal needs and don't need Selective Sync on desktops - you can use Sync Free (Selective Sync or business use requires a PRO license).
  3. @joeyvandijk We are preparing a build which is able to access normally ExtSD cards on Android 5+. Let me know if you are willing to participate in beta.
  4. @all comcerto2k package is now available. It is also planned to get it delivered to official Synology app store.
  5. @all We've managed to reproduce (thanks to @lupus) and fix the issue. Please expect fix in next major release. I'll update thread once it is out.
  6. @PacketMan We'll consider adding some more clear status to main UI window. Just in case you can also add your voice to Feature Requests forum.
  7. @Markus Janhunen Unfortunately, starting from 2.x Sync does not support OS X 10.6. So the latest version supporting 10.6 is 1.4.111.
  8. @mintwurm No, Sync does not support IPv6 yet. Although note, that IPv6 can tunnel IPv4 to keep older application functional - I guess this is your case as well?
  9. @ral1375 Technically, Sync stores its private data in /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/BitTorrent Sync. It means that when you are changing user and start Sync, it will be completely different Sync with its own set of folders and settings. New user's Sync won't be able to access to old user's sync folders and even consider them as owned by other Sync instance.
  10. @bzowk @iswrong Sync implements file extension starting from 2.2, so technically other apps can reach Sync's files via extension. Although, there is another major drawback in Sync for iOS (and i'm not 100% sure it can be avoided even on jailbroken device): iOS is very cruel towards background apps. Currently, you can't have Sync running in background on iOS: operating system kills it within 2-3 minutes. So to Sync you'll actually need open Sync explicitly and keep it like that until it finishes synchronization.
  11. @phil05 Memory Sync consumes roughly 0.8-1.5Kb of memory per file (folder) depending on file (folder) actual path length (the more lengthy file/folder path, more memory it takes). Memory consumption does not depend on actual folder size. So having, say, 100K files to be synced will result in around 100-150Mb of memory consumed by Sync. CPU consumption Sync mostly consumes CPU during re-hashing changed files enc encrypting them while sending. We've got some reports from field that low-profile CPUs (like ones for NAS and other embedded devices) may experience slow speed due to CPU overload, though reports about CPU overload on desktop-class computers are really rare even with large amount of peers. Also, for your setup it would be optimal to proceed with IT due to exceeding amount of peers.
  12. @joeyvandijk I guess that from API POV Android detects external USB as external SD card - which has certain limitations. Could you please try to add some folders, hosted in folder "/Android/data/com.bittorrent.sync" on your USB drive and see if it works?
  13. @all 2.2.7 is also available via auto-update now.
  14. @Andy22 You can do it on any other computer. For Sync 2.2.7 path is "/lib/" so you can create a symlink pointing to the linker you have (likely /lib/ld-linux-arm*.so.3) We are compiling with GNU C Library 2.13. For the linking statically against MUSL - it is very unlikely we are going to implement it in future, although thanks for proposal.
  15. @zbigb69 Thanks for update. If it does not reproduce any longer - no need for logs.
  16. @lihongqiang FileDelayConfig is intended for different reason. It is a configurable small delay which Sync waits before starting to process particular file extension and it is limited to 10 seconds. It won't help you here. if we are talking about Linux OS, you can use the build with glicb_2.3 - it does not implement inotify and will only sync files after folder_rescan_interval. Though, it is not achievable for other OS. And yes, it is a good feature request.
  17. @zbigb69 As I understand, there is stable connectivity between A and B? If yes - it looks like an issue. Could you please send us debug logs from both your A and B so we can see what's going on there?
  18. @andrewb No known issues for now. The package is as functional as other ARM builds / packages. We plan to officially release alpine4k very soon.
  19. @previewthenew Sorry - it is not planned in close future.
  20. @GrimStranger Could you please share a bit more details? Is it an iOS / Android phone? Do you give app enough time to save changes or kill the process right away? Also, which version of Sync do you use?
  21. @zbigb69 If you linked your A and B under one identity - your folders should propagate automatically. I suggest you've got 2 different identities, as by default Sync creates a new identity upon first run. Applying license on both won't automatically link them - it needs to be done explicitly. Easy way to check that is to open My Devices -> Identity Details. If fingerprints on A and B are different - you've got 2 different identities and simply need to link your devices. Though note, that you can keep using different identities if you don't need the auto-propagation feature.
  22. @macula Side effects possible: 1) computer-specific data synced to another computer. Some of the data stored in xattrs is computer-specific, i.e. being synced to another computer can make it invalid. It highly depends on actual data and application consuming it though. 2) extra traffic 3) extra space occupied on other peers. So I would advise to follow white-list way of syncing xattrs and deliver only those that you actually need.
  23. @dannydc As I noted above - it is indeed not a good flow if you are using identities and My Devices at all. If you are not using identities - it is okay to have separate identity on each machine. This way of using Sync is pretty much like pre-2.0, i.e. you just Sync those folders that you explicitly exchange links/keys for. This is something we also plan to change in future. "Manual connection" box which accepts pretty much everything starting from license keys and ending with links is indeed not intuitive.
  24. @joncamfield The latest build supporting PPC and QuoriQ is 1.4.111. It can communicate with other 1.4 clients, with 1.3 clients, 2.0 and 2.2 clients (for 2.x - standard folders only). For the open source - we are aware of this request already, thanks for adding your voice.
  25. @eldrin @fnordsensei @Moe Thank you for thorough explanation. Actually, it was too confusing for vast majority of users to choose between identity creation and linking existing one at the first start, so we have to choose lesser of two evils. I admit that it is not optimal at the moment and has a great space for improvement. Our UX engineers will get this feedback for sure.