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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. I'm assuming that both folders have "full access" secrets? If so, please can you update to BitTorrent Sync 1.0.130 and see if this resolves your issue?
  2. krtaylor / linux only :- have you updated to the latest version, 1.0.130? If not, please update and see if this resolves your issues
  3. New builds are presently announced on the forum in the first instance, and will then become available through the "Check for update" button/auto update function at a later stage. The download on the main website has also been updated to build 1.0.130
  4. Have you ensured that your .SyncIgnore files are identical on each device you're syncing between, as if not, this can cause the behavior your describe?
  5. There's several other threads already covering/discussing this topic, the most active is the "Security" thread.
  6. Apparently a hacker team at TechCrunch Disrupt built a private distributed blog platform off BitTorrent Sync
  7. It's never "idle" as such, as BitTorrent Sync is continually monitoring files in the background in real time. The amount of CPU usage, however, does appear to be directly related to the total number of files BitTorrent Sync is monitoring (i.e the more files being monitored, the higher the CPU usage) There's plenty of posts on high CPU usage this around the forum, for instance, here here here and here the devs are certainly aware of high CPU levels across all platforms. Of course, at present, BitTorrent Sync is still in "alpha", therefore the focus has been on getting things working & stability... "optimization" I'm sure will come in due course!
  8. Yes, untick the "Use relay server when required" and "Use tracker server" options (found under Shared Folders -> Show Folder Preferences)
  9. It will do, as a public API is currently in development! Please see this thread
  10. Yes, it will do eventually - 1.0.116 is the latest version that's availble on the website, and is suitable for most users. However, users who do run into issues/bugs with this build are encouraged to update to 1.0.125, which is an official "test" build (and why it's not currently available to everyone via the auto update feature)
  11. Essentially, BitTorrent receive "some anonymized statistics, so we could better understand how Sync performs and used in the field. This is the only information we collect and use ... we don't have any access to any private information, just general statistics about app." (source)
  12. Well, be sure to post your desire for this feature in the wishlist thread. The developers are watching the wishlist thread, and are collating all the suggestions/requests there to see which are the most popular. I doubt if offering them money will influence the order in which new features are added to BitTorrent Sync, rather, they will be added based on their popularity & ease of implementation. Also, don't forget BitTorrent Sync is currently still in "alpha" - the primary focus at the moment is getting it stable/eliminating bugs, rather than adding a ton of "new features" at this very early stage of development... give them time, and I'm sure a whole host of new features will make it into BitTorrent Sync in due course, once it graduates out of its alpha/beta status. In terms of your company "deadlines" - again, bear in mind that this is only "alpha" software, so your company may be wise to wait a bit anyway until it graduates out of alpha before rolling it out!
  13. theo, it's a shame you've uninstalled SyncApp, because (depending upon which version of SyncApp you were on), you could have just copied the settings across to BitTorrent Sync and carried on as it nothing had happened! The way to do this is simply to exit BitTorrent Sync, copy across everything in the %AppData%\Roaming\SyncApp folder across to the %AppData%\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync folder and voila! when you restart BitTorrent Sync, all your previously sync'd folders should appear! However, if you've indeed completely uninstalled SyncApp and all corresponding settings files, you may not still have your %AppData%/Roaming/SyncApp folder... in which case you will have to re-add each folder to BitTorrent Sync again! This shouldn't be an issue, but it will mean that everything will be re-index, and BitTorrent Sync may prompt you when you add a folder to reset ownership on folder you're syncing - just accept these prompts if they appear, and all should be good! If your folders were in sync in SyncApp, whilst re-adding them to BitTorrent Sync will re-index them, it won't transfer them all again if they haven't changed! (i.e. if they are already in sync) Hope that helps!
  14. BitTorrent Sync uses base32 for secrets (Source)
  15. BitTorrent Sync splits larger files up into 4MB chunks, and will only transfer changed "chunks"... however, it doesn't "track" moved chunks at present, that is to say, if you add 1byte to the very start of the file, EVERY "chuck" will be shifted, and therefore appear to BitTorrent Sync that the entire file has changed, and so the entire file will transfer again.
  16. 1.0.125 is available here - so try updating to this build and see if this resolves your issue!
  17. I don't believe at present there are any command line switches to allow you to perform a "silent" install of BitTorrent Sync on Windows
  18. Yes, this has been requested a number of times, so the developers are certainly aware of this need. Right now, files in .SyncTrash persist until you manually remove them, so you're right, you could end up with a lot of clutter in there! ...and as this is a "hidden" folder, not all users may even be aware of its existence and then wonder where all their free disk space has gone! Anyway, as I say, the devs are aware of this, so hopefully we'll see either some form of "Empty Trash" button or "keep files in trash for X days" option coming soon!
  19. Hmmm.. that in itself shouldn't be the issue - BitTorrent Sync is currently capable of handling up to 1 million files (in total) I suspect it may be some kind of peculiarity with the way Libre Office handles open files - I don't use Libre myself, but several other popular Office suites do tend to "lock" and/or create temporary "working" copies of files in the same directory when you're editing a document - which maybe what's causing BitTorrent Sync to trip up? which case as a potential "work around" you could try using the .SyncIgnore files of BitTorrent Sync to "exclude" such temporary/lock files from syncing, so that only your actual correct Libre Office files sync?
  20. BitTorrent Sync will also, by default, backup any files it deletes - these can be found in the folder you're syncing's ".SyncTrash" folder Please remember that this software is currently only an "alpha", and therefore, it is not recommended to use "alpha" software for syncing important/sensitive/critical data. If you're worried about losing data, you're perhaps best waiting until BitTorrent Sync matures out of "alpha", and "beta", until a "stable" release becomes available.. In the meantime, however, If you encounter issues using this "alpha" software, please see this thread
  21. The latest official "public" build on the website is 1.0.116. 1.0.125, however, has since be made available through the forums to users experiencing issues with 1.0.116, but 1.0.125 is considered a "test build" (mind you, it could be argued that all these builds are "test builds" anyway as we're still in "alpha"!) So, tuxpoldo, 1.0.125 is endorsed by BitTorrent Sync, as it's been posted a number of times in the forums now by BitTorrent staff (for instance here, here, here and here)... but, that said, I wouldn't spend too much time packaging up 1.0.125, as there is anticipated to be a more significant update made generally available this next week!
  22. Yes, that's right - on the main website the version that's presented to new users is 1.0.116. However, 1.0.125 is a "test build" that was made available in the forum last week (first spotted here, and popping up several times since) to users experiencing issues with 1.0.116. As 1.0.125 is a "test build", it isn't available as an "auto update" to earlier versions at this time. Therefore, if you're currently using 1.0.116, the "Check Now" button won't alert you to 1.0.125, and so 1.0.125 would need to be manually downloaded.
  23. Yes, CPU usage on all platforms (not just the Pi) seems to directly relate to the total number of files BitTorrent Sync is monitoring. (i.e. the more files you've added to Sync, the higher the CPU usage). The developers are aware of this, as this general "high CPU" issue has been raised in a number of threads previous (for instance here). Of course, Sync is still in "alpha" so the focus has been more on "getting things working" rather than "optimizing things" at this stage, but I've no doubt that that CPU optimizations will come...
  24. There is supposed to be a Changelog / Release Notes "from now on " according to the developers ...but this has yet to emerge! At time of writing, however, the latest version that's generally available to users is 1.0.125, which may be downloaded here. Please update to this version, and let us know if your problem still persists
  25. The unofficial FAQ has now also been updated with this information on device icons.