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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Have you allowed Sync access to your camera? If not, this can cause the app to crash - it's a known issue.
  2. Well, there's a new icon in the UI: Yes, the "port keep changing/settings not saving via the UI" issue - which the devs are aware of - has been around since 1.4.82 - it's still present in 1.4.91. The workaround until it's fixed is to specify settings via a config file instead.
  3. Yeah, but that's not quite what the OP is asking - he's looking for "real time" synchronization, rather than "daily backup"
  4. The latest desktop build as of October 3 was 1.4.83. The latest desktop build as of today (October 10) is 1.4.91 I'm still awaiting for the official changelog from the devs, and this topic will then be updated accordingly. Incidentally, the "aforementioned 'next release'" was a comment made by a user who speculated "should be in the next release probably". This wasn't an official guarantee that a fix would be present in time for 1.4.91 specifically. However, on a side note, I can also confirm that I'm still seeing the behavior as outlined above with Office and 1.4.91
  5. I'm not saying it categorically is! ...I was simply giving you a possible alternative explanation as to why this hasn't yet been implemented other than your sole "it's too difficult to implement" theory! Suggestions made in this forum are certainly NOT a waste of time! They are ALL seen and ALL considered by the devs. However, some of the suggestions that have been made will likely not make it into the current free offering of Sync and will instead be earmarked for potential future inclusion in the Business/Enterprise Edition of Sync instead. I have no further details I can share with you at this time as to what those features might be, but I can assure you that posting in the Feature Request forum is not a "waste of time"
  6. Hi Folks, Sync 1.4.91 is now available via auto-update for all previous 1.4.x desktop clients and 1.3.x clients (with the exception of WinXP/2k3 users - see "Important Notes for Sync 1.3 Users" below). In addition, 1.4.91 is also available for manual download from the main site (direct download links available here) Sync 1.4.91 Changelog: - Notifications shown when file changed in RO folder - Added notification window for approval requests - Fixed issue with adding folders via link - Fixed column resizing in Firefox for Linux - Fixed issue with disappearing approval notifications - Fixed inability to add non-empty RO folder on Linux - Fixed issue with scrollbars for Mac - Fixed issue with blank UI due to invalid CSS - Fixed issue with non-saving speed limits - Other minor fixes - Cosmetic fixes The changelog for the previous build (1.4.83) may be found here. Important Notes on Sync 1.4: Downgrade to 1.3 is not possible after installing Sync 1.4. (If you wish to downgrade - please uninstall Sync removing all settings, then install 1.3 and configure all folders from scratch) Important Notes for Sync 1.3 Users: Windows XP and Server 2003 clients using Sync 1.3.x will not receive auto-updates to 1.4, but can still update to 1.4 manually.
  7. Ok, as RomanZ indicated, this is not the same as the issue being discussed in this thread. This thread relates to a blank UI once connected - you're not even able to connect to the UI - that's different. Your issue is likely due to the fact that Sync 1.4 restricts access to the WebUI to the loopback address (localhost/ only by default. If you are trying to connect to the UI on a different IP address, you'll need to adjust the "listen" parameter in your Sync config file, or start Sync with the "--webui.listen <IP:port>" switch
  8. I'd suggest adding this suggestion to the Feature Request forum, as the ability to sync MySQL and other "open" databases between devices would indeed be very useful. In the meantime, the best way to "sync" MySQL type databases specifically between devices would be to setup MySQL replication or a cluster. If however, as you indicate, you're not bothered about the type of database you sync via Sync itself, it would firstly have to be a database that's stored in a physical file, but also bear in mind that Sync can't sync files whilst they're open/locked/in use by other applications. Therefore, when considering database formats, you'd need to choose one that doesn't lock or keep the physical database file open the entire time, and only locks it whilst actually writing data.
  9. There is indeed lots of interest, and believe me the developers are fully aware of this! It's not that its "too difficult" to implement, but more likely to be the case that this feature is something that's being held back for the Business/Enterprise edition of Sync.
  10. As a "workaround" try clicking in the grey area somewhere near the "Add Folder" button (so that the window's contents has focus), then use Ctrl and + to "Zoom" the interface (Ctrl and - to zoom out, Ctrl and 0 to reset zoom)
  11. I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve that can't already be achieved with Sync in its current form? - You are aware that Sync is already available for your iPad from the iTunes Store, right?
  12. (You'll find download links for this and other supported OS's via the official download page)
  13. Because not everyone cares about the specific version number they're downloading - they just want to obtain the "latest" build. That's why the links on the main download page always fetch the latest build via a standard URL.
  14. Use the direct links as referenced in the first post of this thread. They include the version number in both the URL and in the filename.
  15. The easiest way would be to remove the folder from Sync on your devices, and then re-add it back to your devices with a new key (secret) that's the same on each device. By removing and re-adding a folder, it will trigger a re-index of the folder, which should resolve any indexing-related issues you might be facing.
  16. Sync's Archive affects devices other than the one where files are deleted/changed. For example, if you have a folder in Sync across 3 devices; A, B, and C, and you delete a file from the folder on device A, the corresponding file on B and C will be moved to .Sync/Archive on B and C respectively. The .Sync/Archive on A will remain empty. Similarly, if you delete a file from the folder on device B, on devices A and C it will be moved to .Sync/Archive on A and C.
  17. You can also add folders via the sync.conf config file, or via the API
  18. No, .Sync/IgnoreList (formally .SyncIgnore) does not propagate between your devices. There is however a related suggested in this post over in the Feature Request forum.
  19. In the main UI, click the "3 dots" icon to the far right of the row containing the folder you wish to remove from Sync, and select "Disconnect": Depends on a number of factors; i.e. your processor speed, the number of files/folders being monitored by Sync. Also, bear in mind that Sync is presently in Beta - it's therefore likely that further CPU optimizations will come in future updates
  20. The default is: User: admin Pass: password ...these can be changed in your sync.conf file
  21. It's not done during the initial sharing of the key itself - You'd need to select this option on the folder on each of your existing, previously added, Read-Only Peers.
  22. It's a known issue with the latest builds of Sync, and will be addressed in a future update. For more information, including a workaround, please see this thread and this thread.
  23. The option is only present for folders with Read-Only keys, and is labeled "Overwrite any changed files" on the folder's Preferences dialog
  24. Sync already supports Encrypted Peers, making sync data encrypted on the receiver’s side (peers can sync files, but cannot see their content or modify them) - See this article and this article.