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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. There are no limits on the number of users who can share the same Secret - where there is a limit is in the number of other devices any single device can connect to at any one time. So, I could share a secret with say 500 people, but at any one time I'd only be connect to a maximum of 50 other devices. However, those devices in turn could themselves also connect to 50 further devices, and so forth. Therefore the content I wish to share to 500 people will reach all 500 people, but not necessarily through my device directly.
  2. It's not really advisable to run multiple instances of Sync, especially if they're running on the same directories/concurrently - it can lead to problems!
  3. @acDCuk, Please remember that Sync is presently in "beta". As such, not every new beta build is pushed via auto-update at present. This will change once Sync leaves beta, however, given the current "beta" nature of the software, it's better that new Beta builds have a limited release initially are not pushed out to everyone via auto-update the minute they become available. Whilst the developers test each beta release "in house" first through their QA process, not "mass releasing" beta builds, but instead announcing them here to the forum readership in the first instance allow the developers to gauge the stability of each before deciding which should then be pushed to all users via auto-update. FYI, there are no functional changes/new features between builds 1.3.94 and 1.3.106. Essentially, users for whom 1.3.94 is working perfectly fine have not been missing any "new features" by not knowing about 1.3.106. If the team discover a major issue/bug, which could impact on a large percentage of users, of course an update will be pushed out to all users relatively quickly. However, in reality, the bugs that have been fixed between 1.3.94 and 1.3.106 are relatively uncommon "specific use" cases that won't impact on the vast majority of user's every day use of Sync, which is why these beta builds haven't been pushed via auto-update.
  4. Turn off "Search DHT Network" (this is a per-folder setting)
  5. In short, no - for two device to Sync data between them, they must both be online. If you wish to have a "middle man" between two devices, you'll need a 3rd device that's "always on" - such as a supported NAS drive, Home Server, or one of the various 3rd party cloud solutions that exist for Sync. To use your phone as the "always on" "middle man" would require 1.5tb of space on your device. I personally can't see the use of a phone as an always-online "server" for Sync being 1) all that efficient, 2) having enough appeal to Sync users (given limited space on mobile devices, and data charges, etc) to warrant development of your specific-use case. That said, the purpose of this forum is indeed to suggest and discuss ideas and potential improvements to Sync.... so let's see if other users like your idea...
  6. Only manually through the "Restore modified files to original version" setting for the properties of your read-only folder. However, there are couple of requests for the specific functionality you desire in this thread over in the Feature Requests forum. I'd suggest adding your voice there.
  7. You'll run into problems - is the short answer! By default, Sync should compensate for devices that are no more than 600 seconds different to each other (irrespective of timezone). Any more than that and you'll get "Sync stopped: device time difference more than 600 seconds" errors. You can configure this 600 second setting through the "sync_max_time_diff" setting... but really the clocks on all your devices should be as close to each other as possible (or ideally, synced to the same NTP server)
  8. What you're after is essentially the opposite of .SyncIgnore, which contains exclusion rules, and basically have a ".SyncInclude" file containing inclusion rules instead. Sadly, this doesn't exist at present, but there have been some suggestions for it in this thread of the Feature Requests forum, so I'd suggest adding your voice there. In the meantime, you'd basically have to exclude everything but your .css files in your .SyncIgnore files
  9. Add rules to each share's .SyncIgnore file to exclude those file types you don't wish to sync.
  10. It would need to be per share, rather than "per peer", though, otherwise what happens if you're sharing multiple folders located on different drives/partitions on a particular peer!?
  11. By "temp" files, I assume you mean .!Sync files? In which case, no, these cannot be "moved" - they are automatically created by Sync in their destination folders, and written to when data is received. Once the file is fully received, it is simply renamed to remove its .!Sync extension. If these .!Sync files were located somewhere else, it would lead to increased disk activity and slower completion times (as completed files would need to be "moved" instead of simply "renamed" at the end of every transfer)
  12. There's currently no native Sync "scheduling" support - however, you can add your support for such functionality in this thread from the Feature Requests forum. In the meantime, if you wish to only have Sync running at certain times of the day you'd have execute/exit the program on a schedule (for example on Windows, you could setup a Scheduled Task to run Sync at a particular time daily, etc)
  13. Assuming it's not your primary disk that fails (i.e. where Sync's application data/database is stored), and it's is another drive/partition that fails, Sync won't delete corresponding files from other nodes. In Sync on the device that's failed you'll simply see a warning that the folder cannot be read/accessed. Obviously, if it's your primary disk that's failed, you'll loose your Sync settings/database, and will have to re-install Sync then and add your folders back to it with their original secrets. This will cause the folders to re-index, but assuming their contents haven't changed since they were last "synced", no files will transfer between devices, or be deleted from other devices.
  14. There is a dedicated thread over in the Feature Requests forum where so far only one other user has requested such support for Firefox OS. For an official Firefox OS version to be considered in the future, I would think the Sync team would need to see a lot more interest in this operating system than there is currently - so you may like to consider also adding your voice to that thread.
  15. @kattunga2 - please add your voice to this thread in the Feature Requests forum instead.
  16. There is no further news on this at present, other than the most recent update from the developers last week which said that MIPS is "not supported yet, and not going to be in next release, sorry" So the developers are aware that there is a degree of interest in MIPS builds, but at present that interest isn't widespread enough for it to be considered a "top priority" for the team. My advice to those who desire MIPS support would be to voice your desire in this thread (if you've not already done so). The developers do keep track of the feature requests forum, and so the features with the most requests & support are likely to be given a higher priority by the developers than those with less suggestions with "votes".
  17. Have you turned off Debug logging? If not, doing so should resolve your issue!
  18. This has already been discussed to death! - Please see "How secure are "secrets"... can they be "guessed"?" in the Unofficial FAQ (which also provides links to numerous other threads where this has been previously discussed)
  19. @Titokhan, for reference, there's a dedicated thread over in the Feature Request forum for MIPS support - I'd suggest adding your voice/support there!
  20. TropDoug, yes - you'll need to note down the current folder's secret, remove the folder from Sync, then add your new folder to Sync using the original secret. Sync will re-index the new folder, but assuming its content is the same, nothing will transfer
  21. Micheal, Have you tried exiting Sync on all the devices you're syncing with, locating and delete .!sync files on all your devices, then restart Sync on all of your devices? This usually resolves issues with stray .!sync files
  22. The "completion status" (i.e. whether a folder is in sync or not, and if not, which files are out of sync) is already shown in the user interface of the desktop clients. ...or are you requesting progress bars/time remaining indicators? In which case, that suggestion is being proposed over in this topic.
  23. Do you mean the same functionality that's already present in the form of "encrypted" nodes?