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The one who can read has the advantage. Scolding doesn't help!

On my side on different servers and clients is running smoothly. Get in touch with support and with your concerns. It is not normal that Windows Server is used in private households, a mainframe also might not be assumed privately. But as you can read in detail now, you are not alone with privat Windows Server problem.

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2 minutes ago, Andy+ said:

The one who can read has the advantage. Scolding doesn't help!

On my side on different servers and clients is running smoothly. Get in touch with support and with your concerns. It is not normal that Windows Server is used in private households, a mainframe also might not be assumed privately. But as you can read in detail now, you are not alone with privat Windows Server problem.

I have worked with IT for 25+ years and have always had a private home server - be that bsd/linux or in the later years a Windows server.

Saying that "if its a server OS - then its a business" - show how little you know about your own customers.

The company i work in is a major AV reseller, if do a quick search between "private" customers and "server os" - i find quite alot of servers - and thats a growing number with iot.

A server OS is in general considered to be a more stable operating system.

I dont excactly see what the support should be able todo for me - they have changed their product to the worse - they are not the first company todo it - and properly not the last either - I call it unfounded greed and a kick in the head of the customers who might not fit into the "normal" box.


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Secondly, even if i where to buy a business license - then that license cost for my 5 users (my family) - is twice the cost of what a Office 365 subscription cost - and with that each user gets 1TB data and office package for 5 devices.

I simply dont see justifying that cost - specially not for a product that i legally have paid for already.

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Admittedly, after the multi-page debate on this problem, I also would now expect a official statement from Resilio how to deal with this problem in a final and fair manner. There should be an official regulation. Only talk about doesn't help anything if Resilio doesn't make any commitments. If I were a user of Windows Server and my licenses suddenly stopped working, I would also be angry.

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On 6/1/2020 at 5:41 AM, Helen said:

I'm sorry, but wasn't this question resolved for you in support Ticket #113245 on may 13th?

Really would still like to stay with my current version and not have to use the business version, hoping they still roll this back and allow Server OS installations with the regular Pro license, as they should.

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On 5/8/2020 at 10:27 PM, laurin1 said:

On 2 machines, the network service install (upgrade from 2.6.3) just exits, no error, no nothing.

I updated from 2.6.3 too and now Sync won't open at all. The GUI flashes up with just the title bar then crashes without notice.

Also tried installing from the exe in OP but still crashes (Win10 x64).

Managed to roll back by using an old 2.6.3 install file and just installing over the top.

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I have absolutely no actual stake in this particular issue (I don't use Windows nor Windows Server, nor do I ever plan to)…

However, as a customer and user of this software, I consider it absolutely unconscionable that terms of service for a license would be modified in a point update to a piece of software.

I've been buying software for 20+ years now, and the very minimum terms of every (non-subscription) license have always been "If you buy version 1.0, you can use that license for all of the 1.x releases. You might have to pay to upgrade to 2.0, but once you do that, you can use all of the 2.x releases." And so on. Clean. Simple. Reliable. 

The idea that you could use 2.6.3 but not 2.7 is completely absurd. It is wrong. It ought to be illegal, but that's another issue.

It violates trust between the company and your customers, and it never should have been done.

I am completely sympathetic to the fact that there are people who are mis-using the license in business settings. That sucks. But the response to some people being terrible should not include punishing others who are not being terrible. If that's what you decide to do, then you're being terrible.

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Another problem with just releasing this feature deprecation without a release in between, is that on Server installs you should flat out prevent auto upgrade instead of allowing it.  Upgrading within software and it stops working, that is 100% on the vendor and totally avoidable.

Microsoft deprecates major features in nearly all the major releases they do when the feature was poorly designed or it has minimal usage. The differences are that they do not hide the fact, they announce it MONTHS in advance, they release beta builds without said features, and while they may ADD additional licenses (ie, Workstation Pro), they don't kill off fundamental functionality of a PAID feature tied specifically to the license purchased.  Microsoft license says Home for Home and Pro for businesses, but they don't prevent Home from operating at businesses, they just limit features to the license they want to sell.

There's other companies that charge a lower fee for when their software runs on desktop versions vs server versions (Acronis). However, they specifically excluded the Home Server 2011 (Which is just a lower featured server) from requiring business licenses.

Companies usually charge more for when it is installed on Server versions because the labour to QA and ensure stability on Server versions is much higher than desktop versions.  But does Resilio actually have QA cycles or just the developers commit their changes and run with it (my impression based on all evidence)? The installer was made May 7th and was released to the public on May 8th.  Software projects with FAR, FAR few features and platforms takes longer to do basic sanity checks than that.

The long delay between 2.6.3 and 2.7.0 with Server deprecation implies this was a planned and intentional move by Resilio to affect and disrupt as many users as they could. All the bug fixes are not available to the existing Server users who need to remain at 2.6.3. This comes off as Resilio being hostile to their customer base.

There just isn't a lot of real world experience on the Resilio Development team (very young team?). Time and time again over the years, decisions are made that are 180* opposite with what well established software companies do for the good of both the developers and the customers. Usually, there should be an experienced manager running a team like this that forces good practices on the developers and prevent numerous issues Resilio has had over the years.

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Well, no one (apart from resilio) knows how many customers where using a home license for business. And I understand their problem, though I am affected, too. But I must say, before posting here I also wrote to resilios support. Unlike other companies, least help desks, I got a reply and I am happy that  support actually read what I wrote. So, as annoying as that change is, I guess I just want to say, that I don't think their motivation is to rip us off. So calm down.


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EDIT: Sorry, just after saving this post, it came to me: it was an issue with windows UAC-settings. So, sorry, Everything works fine now.

Well, since now it should work to install resilio on a windows server, with the right license applied on a non server system first, I now tried to install resilio on a windows server. When I install it as a normal program, it works. But if a want to install it as a service, no luck. It still says it's not possible to install resilio "home" on a server. Version 2.6 works. Version 2.7 works as a service on a normal desktop, too. It displays the right license type, too.

I downloaded the setup.exe from and as well and even the desktop setup.exe; as well as the link here in this thread. They files have the same size, but seem to differ.

Any advice how to accomplish to install resilio as a service on a server? Any steps I'm missing?



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  • Helen unpinned this topic
  • 2 months later...
On 5/9/2020 at 4:36 AM, 7H0M4S said:

Hi ! Thanks for the long awaited update, but please can you elaborate this in the changelog that worries me a lot :

"Deprecated: support for WindowsServers for Sync home"

Dos this mean it wont works also using the resilio sync home pro ?? I hope not, i have some windows server editions with paid Sync ...


Edit :

Just tested it .. i just cant beleive it it doens't work ... This is realy unbelievable, please fix this as soon as possible !

Just noticed I hadn't updated my server's Sync for a while, tried the latest and got this big surprise too.

"Resilio Sync Home 2.7 installation is not supported for Windows Servers"

Been running This since it started as Bittorrent Sync between my home server and Home PC. I've paid for a pro AND a home license and this is what my money gets me, barred from updates lest I dump my very expensive server purchase.


Did you ever get a resolution from

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