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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Use the "Camera Backup" feature in Sync on your phone - this will "copy" (backup) photos from your phone to your PC without deleting the originals on your phone. For more information, please see: How do I use the camera backup (mobile)
  2. Information on how to correctly downgrade from 2.0 to 1.4 may be found in the Help Center article, How to downgrade from 2.0 to 1.4
  3. Please see: How to downgrade from 2.0 to 1.4
  4. piersh, please be respectful to other forum contributors who are trying to assist you. As you have posted in the "Sync Troubleshooting" forum, it was generally assumed that you wanted support, and as trevellyan has indicated, a range of help articles and guides on Sync 2.0 are available through the dedicated Sync Help Center. However, if "this isn't so much a request for help. it's more a statement that the upgrade experience is attrociously broken" - then your comments/feedback would be better placed in the General Discussion forum instead.
  5. One thing to check, and one thing to try: To check: That you're running Sync with your actual config file (i.e. use the --config command line switch to ensure you're using that particular config file) To try: Change the "listen" address to ( tells Sync to listen/accept connections from any IP address)
  6. The ability to choose the destination of incoming folders is already implemented in Sync 2.0, but you'll need to change folder synchronization mode to "Disconnected". Please see my previous post for more information/link.
  7. Maybe you've got DHT turned on for one or more of your folders?
  8. Yes - 1.4 doesn't have the "10 folder limit" that 2.0 free has. Yes, "Selective Sync" is a 2.0 PRO-only feature
  9. This thread in the Feature Request forum sounds like what you're after.
  10. Sync won't be automatically opening/playing these files, it will be your OS that is doing that
  11. Yes, the new format for direct download links is a permanent change.
  12. Check your .sync/IgnoreList file - are you sure you're not excluding files starting with a "dot" from syncing?
  13. Hi Folks! Sync 2.0.105 is available through the official download site and also through auto-update. Direct Download Links: Installer for Windows: BTSync.exe BTSync_x64.exeInstaller for OSX: BTSync.dmgGzip archive for Linux: ARM i386 x64 glibc23_i386 glibc23_x64Gzip archive for FreeBSD: i386 x64List of changes in 2.0.105:Resolved an issue preventing Sync from automatically starting after installing an updateCan now share a folder using a link and give the receiver owner permissionsCosmetic enhancementsSome core engine improvementsThe previous 2.0.x Change log is available through the Help Center.
  14. Sync doesn't natively install and run as a Windows service, and therefore won't sync when no user is logged in. Please see, and consider adding your vote/voice, to this thread.
  15. Change your folder synchronization mode to "Disconnected" The reason Sync is currently creating (1), (2), etc folders is because they're all trying to be saved to the same default location where a folder with the same name already exists. Changing to "Disconnected" mode will allow you to specify the location where each folder syncs, rather than them all being synced to the default location.
  16. What versions of Sync are you using on your devices? Sync 1.3.x will handle secrets but not links Sync 1.4.x will handle secrets and links Sync 2.0.x will handle secrets (for 1.4-style folders only) and links If you wish to view a secret of a folder in Sync 2.0, you would need to add the folder as a classic 1.4-style folder (By holding Shift when clicking "Add Folder"). You will not be able to view a secret for a native 2.0 folder, as these don't use secrets.
  17. There's no direct way to upgrade a 1.4 folder to become a native 2.0 folder, short of removing and re-adding it in 2.0. However, be aware that even under Sync 2.0, some special folders (such as those created as a result of using the "Camera Backup" feature on the mobile app) will still be 1.4-style in 2.0 and can't be changed to 2.0 style.
  18. Go to "My Devices" and change you device's initial state to "Disconnected". You will then be able to specify a location for future incoming folders on that devices. For more information, please see: Folder Synchronization Modes It's not really easily achievable due to the way MySQL data is stored. A potential workaround would be to use mysqldump to dump your MySQL data to a physical file which can then be synced to your other devices, where you would then need a way to automatically import said dump.
  19. Based on user feedback in this thread, I'd say yes.
  20. Sadly not! Support for XP/Vista/2k3 etc all appear to have been dropped for Sync 2.0 (but do consider adding your voice to this thread though). However, Sync 1.4.111 will still run on XP and is compatible (to a point) with Sync 2.0 Depends on what OS your mobile is running? If it's Android, then you can simply download the previous 1.4.x apk and just ensure that you don't update it via the Google Play Store.
  21. It's not natively possible, however you could potentially setup a scheduled task/CRON in your OS to only run Sync at certain times, and kill it at others. Also, consider adding your voice to this thread in the Feature Request forum.
  22. Well, first of all it's important to note that all 1.4.x versions carry a "beta" tag. There are some known issues with 1.4.x that have been resolved for 2.0, but haven't/won't be resolved for 1.4.x. Given that you're only syncing a total of 4 folders (which falls within the 10 folder limit imposed by the "free" version of Sync 2.0) you might be worth checking out 2.0, as 1.4.x is no longer being actively developed.