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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. After uninstalling, you may also need to manually remove your %appdata%\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync folder
  2. Ah right - that's something different to what I thought you were asking. In Sync 2.0 you can sync to an "arbitrary" folder, but you'll need to set your folder synchronization mode to "Disconnected"
  3. { "storage_path" : "/usr/local/bittorrentsync/var", "pid_file" : "/usr/local/bittorrentsync/var/", "display_new_version" : false, "vendor" : "Synology", "webui" : { "listen" : "", "login" : "desired_username", "password" : "desired_password", "allow_empty_password" : false, "directory_root" : "/", "dir_whitelist" : ["/volume1","/volume2","/volume3","/volume4","/volume5","/volume6","/volume7","/volume8","/volume9","/volume10","/volume11","/volume12", "context":"{\"folder_blacklist\": [\"\/@\", \"\/lost\\\\+found\]}", "directory_root_policy":"belowroot" } } See above additions in RED - also note that your config must be a valid JSON file, and so the end of your "dir_whitelist" line must also be terminated with a "," - also your current ""context":"{\"folder_blacklist\": [\"\/@\", \"\/lost\\\\+found\"]}"," line won't validate as JSON
  4. Do you see the same behavior if you access the Web UI via a different web browser?
  5. 2.0.105 was released just two weeks ago! As @mexter quite rightly points out though, this is off-topic to the theme of this particular thread. Please consider opening a new topic if no other relevant topic already exists.
  6. The behavior is the same in 2.0 as it was in 1.4 - any folder you add to Sync will be added with the name the folder has in the OS, and it's not possible to "rename", set an "alias", or have a different "display" name for the folder within Sync. i.e. if you add a folder named "Test" in your OS to Sync, it will appear in Sync with the name "Test". You may however like to consider adding your voice to this thread in the Feature Request forum instead.
  7. Try setting the advanced "disk_low_priority" setting to "true"
  8. Yes - Open a support ticket and reference your thread here (please note, when opening a ticket priority is given in the first instance to users of Sync Pro). However, before you do, you may like to consider "touching" the files in question to update their mtimes to see if this resolves your issue first.
  9. Such functionality already exists - please see: Folder Synchronization Modes
  10. Yes - please take a moment to read the help documentation on Ignoring files in Sync
  11. You'll need to uninstall and remove settings before reinstalling. If you're on Windows, after you uninstall Sync, delete the folder %appdata%\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync. The issue you're seeing is most likely as @iswrong indicates; that you've previously installed an earlier version of Sync 2.0 the free functionality of which has since expired.
  12. .journal files within %appdata%\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync ARE safe to delete. I have confirmed this with the devs and in my own testing. Is it possible that you inadvertently deleted another file from that folder along with your .journal files?
  13. When you upgrade from Sync 1.4 to Sync 2.0, your existing shares are added as "classic" 1.4-style folders. There's no way to directly "upgrade" a 1.4-style share to a 2.0-style share. You'd therefore need to remove your 1.4 folders and set them up again within Sync 2.0.
  14. dseger, you'll find the username/password in the config file you're running Sync with. Alternatively, you can remove password authentication by removing the login/password fields in the "webui" section of your config file.
  15. Sync on iOS currently only syncs whilst the app is in the foreground.
  16. If a 2.0 "free" user is already syncing 10 other folders, they will not be able to sync any more than that 10 folder limit.
  17. sync.txt? or sync.log? If it's the latter, then no, you don't need it, and its safe to delete. You may also like to check that you don't have debug logging enabled and that the advanced log_size setting isn't set too high. In relation to database (.db*) files - you DO need these, so don't delete them!
  18. Other unofficial "workarounds" are discussed in this thread.
  19. Folks, having spoken with the devs, I stand corrected - .journal files in the context of Sync are a kind of "per-folder log file". They should be safe to delete. It's also been flagged to the devs about the size that some of you have reported these .journal files have ballooned to (such as ms2oo8's 13GB .journal file!), as these files should probably also obey the log_setting, but it would appear that at present they don't. Apologies for any confusion.
  20. .journal files are as a result of using a Journaling File System on Linux/MacOS Have a google for "disable journaling". Disabling Journaling will resolve your issue. If you're on a Mac, here's an article from Apple on how to disable it. UPDATE: Please see my subsequent post.
  21. You'll need to modify the config file which Sync is using to remove the "login" and "password" fields from the "webui" section
  22. "Sync on demand" is only available in Sync 2.0 Pro. It is not available in earlier versions of Sync (with the exception of Mobile Sync clients, earlier versions of which did have a "sync-on-demand" feature)
  23. In relation to folder synchronization modes: "Synced" and "Disconnected" are available in both free and pro versions of 2.0. "Connected" is only available in pro versions. In order to be able to choose a destination folder, you need to set folder synchronization mode to "Disconnected" - this is available in both free and pro editions of 2.0