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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Are the files in the folder you're trying to sync currently open/locked/in use by other applications? If so, Sync can't sync your files until they are first closed in their respective applications.
  2. Try increasing Sync's advanced "folder_rescan_interval" setting - default is 600 seconds (10 minutes) - If your system is set to sleep where there's been a period of idle disk activity greater than this setting, your system will never sleep.
  3. Are the folders you're syncing located on fixed, or removable drives?
  4. I'm not sure how the information in the link that nils provided could be made much clearer?! Which part are you getting stuck on?
  5. Have the folders in question got read-only or full-access secrets assigned to them?
  6. Your additional device will receive data from all available sources (including other read only devices)
  7. The highest value you can set this to is 2,147,483,647 days.... if you need to keep files in SyncArchive longer than that I'd be worried(!)
  8. Sounds like you've potentially got files you're trying to sync currently open/locked/in use by other applications. Closing these files and/or their respective applications should allow the outstanding data to transfer. If that doesn't work and you're sure the files are all closed, then please do the following: 1) Shut down Sync on all your devices 2) Locate and delete any .!Sync, .SyncPart, .SyncTemp, or .SyncOld files on your devices 3) Restart Sync on your devices
  9. There's no "hidden option" or "broken setting" - Sync hasn't been designed specifically for symlinks/folder junctions. Whilst symlinks/folder junctions often become necessary for other apps, such as DropBox where ordinarily you can only sync a central folder - BitTorrent Sync allows you to sync any, and multiple, folder - somewhat negating the need for symlinks/folder junctions. However, if you must insist on using symlinks/folder junctions, and they're not working for you, try creating them the other way around - rather than creating symlinks within the folder your syncing to a variety of other other folders, instead move the other folders to the single folder your wish to sync, and then create symlinks back to the original locations of the various folders you've moved to the one you're syncing. This will likely solve your issue.
  10. Zsolt, Files are stores on YOUR DEVICES only - they are not stored in a "cloud" or on random strangers computers - you control access to your files. Dropbox is a "cloud" storage solution - BitTorrent Sync isn't. With Sync you retain complete control over your files and they are never stored on servers/devices you don't want them to be stored on. In addition, Dropbox only allows you to sync one central folder, whereas Sync will allow you to sync any/multiple folders across your devices. If all your devices are off, you will not be able to access your files with Sync as they are not stored in a "cloud" anywhere. I'm not quite sure what you're asking when you talk about "full download speed". If you're syncing a file between multiple devices, under normal usage, each device will be able to send and receive "chunks" of data from all other devices, meaning you'll transfer/receive files a lot faster than something like Dropbox where all files have to first be sync'd to a central "Cloud" storage run by Dropbox, before they are then disseminated to your other devices. In essence, Sync is a LOT faster than dropbox, and the more of your devices you share between with Sync, the faster the transfers will be! The only limit in terms of speed when receiving files will be your available bandwidth. So, in summary, Dropbox is primary a "cloud storage" solution, Sync is primarily a "file synchronization" solution. Sync is faster than Dropbox. If you wish to have access to your files even when your devices are "off", you will need a NAS drive,home server, or some other "always on" device running Sync.
  11. Yes, turning off LAN encryption at both ends would potentially give you a greater performance boost than if LAN encryption was only turned off at one end
  12. I would suggest that if you're looking to reduce disk I/O that you increase the advanced Sync settings "recv_buf_size" and "send_buf_size" from their defaults of 5 (MB) to something higher. This will increase the memory usage of Sync, but will mean that more data is "buffered" in memory, leading to a reduced frequency of disk access. If you're only using Sync to "backup" files that change infrequently, you could also further reduce disk access by increasing the value of the "folder_rescan_internal" setting from the default of 600 seconds. Finally, if you're looking to improve transfer speed, and all your devices reside on the same LAN, you could set "lan_encrypt_data" to "false" (default is true)
  13. In short, no - Sync has been purposefully designed to prevent multiple instances running concurrently, as this could potentially lead to all kinds of issues with file synchronization/corruption/race conditions! From what I can determine from your requirements, you wish your "client" to only sync a subset of files, rather than the entire file structure you're syncing from your "30 remote devices" to your "central" device? If this is the case, you could explore one of the following options: Utilize .SyncIgnore to exclude certain files/folders from syncing to your "client" device Assign a separate "secret" to each folder you're syncing at your "30 remote locations", then at your "central" office, sync each of these to their own separate subfolder. You'll then be able to choose which of these you then also want to sync to your "client" device
  14. Please take a moment to search the forum before posting - this is already being actively discussed here
  15. The latest version of Sync is actually 1.2.82. Please update first to see if that resolves your issue.
  16. Yeah, the developers indicated back in July that x86 Android support would be added "in the next versions", but I've not heard anything further on this front. If you've found a non-compatible Android device, I'd suggest you resurrect this thread
  17. No - the only limits are free memory/disk space - please see "Is there a limit on the number/size of files I can sync?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  18. The more Sync (or any software for that matter) reads from/writes to your hard disk, the more the disk will fragment over time. My suggestions above will help to reduce the frequency that Sync performs disk operations. If you're still concerned about disk fragmentation, it may be worth looking at moving away from traditional mechanical hard drives in favor of SSD drives instead.
  19. You can also reduce the fragmentation of your Hard Drive caused by Sync by increasing the values of the advanced settings "recv_buf_size" and "send_buf_size" within Sync. These are set to 5 (MB) by default, but if you increase these buffer sizes, more data will be stored in memory before subsequently being read from/written to your Hard Drive - meaning less frequent disc access, leading to less fragmentation!
  20. Hmmm... ok, I've done some testing, and this would see to be a bug with the installer. The last known version 1.2.x build where the "Portable Mode" option is available in the installer appears to be 1.2.24 For 1.1.x builds, the last known build where the "Portable Mode" option is available is 1.1.48 From what I can tell, the "Portable Mode" install option only appears to be present in builds that don't include additional translations (i.e. where the size of the Windows installer <1MB). Those builds which include the additional translations (i.e. installer size >1MB) don't have the "Portable Mode" install option! - very strange! For those who don't know what we're taking about, here's a screenshot from the 1.2.24 installer when you run it from a removable USB memory stick/SSD card:
  21. BTSync.exe (the latest Windows installer for Sync 1.2.82) is clean. See: Trend was likely giving you a "false positive". Try updating your virus definition files, as according to a VirusTotal scan (see above), Trend (with the latest definitions) doesn't detect any issues with the Sync installer.
  22. Whereabouts in your config file have you added "use_sync_trash"? - remember this is a per folder setting, not a global setting
  23. Firstly, be aware that Sync can't sync files whilst they're open/locked/in use by other applications. Sync will still indicate an amount of data to upload/download, but no transfer will take place until the files (or their associated applications) are closed. If you're confident that that is not an issue in this case, then the following steps may well resolve your issue: Close Sync on all your devices Locate and delete any .!Sync, .SyncTemp, .SyncPart, and .SyncOLD files in the folders you're syncing Restart Sync