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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @quantkiwi, @GreatMarko I'm afraid it is closer to 1Kb per file in latest versions. So, it would be approx 100Gb consumed to keep the tree of all files in memory. Sync will do its best to keep these files in Sync, although I can see couple of obstacles which will won't let you get desired 2-3 hours sync delay to all devices: 1. Memory. Either you need to get really huge volume of memory, or set up humongous swap file. If swap won't get to the SSD drive - it will be really slow. 2. Sync gets info about changed files in 2 ways: notifications from OS and via folder rescan. - Notifications from OS are unreliable way. They have a number of limitations (different for different OS) - like, Windows won't send you notifications for the very deep folders, while Linux may miss it if you got large amount of subfolders. - Rescan heavily depends on HDD speed. While rescanning Sync only reads file names, mtime and size, though this is a random access and it loads a lot classic HDDs (while is still pretty fast for SSD drives). And you can't make rescan period lesser than at least time of rescan, of course.
  2. @mrspcs It depends on how you installed it. Package or manually? In either case, you can simply find the binary and replace it with updated one (Sync should be down, of course). It will pick up folders and configuration. Don't forget to set same permissions and owner to new binary. @sbhouchen I see that Haley already took care of you
  3. @sendjerry It is also not advised to link 1.3 to 2.2. It should be working fine with 1.2 and 1.4, though it was never certified to be working with 2.x clients. While having a number of bugs in 1.3, it still should work with no issues.
  4. @eldrin Filed and will be eventually fixed. Thanks!
  5. @eldrin Thanks for reporting!
  6. @STUBR.BS, @Silvenga We can analyze core dump, if any. Just send it to us.
  7. @eddie70 I won't post any ads here if set of features of 1.3 is good for you. Except features, a serious reason could be improved stability. 2.2 contains many fixes related to such serious issues like "sync moved files to archive" or "old files replaces new one".
  8. @mcoliver We plan to revise all the "More options" settings as currently they are not very descriptive indeed. Thank you for feedback.
  9. Dear community, Sync 2.2.5 is now available. You can get it via direct links below. Build is available via auto-update, via "Check now" button and on official download site. Direct Download Links: Installer for Windows: x86 installer x64 installerPackage for OS X: OS X packageGzip archive for Linux: ARM i386 x64 glibc23_i386 glibc23_x64Gzip archive for FreeBSD: i386 x64A list of what's new, improved, changed, and fixed in this version is available in the change log. Latest Android build is now also available via direct link: 2.2.2 APK Latest Raspberry Pi package is available via direct link: 2.2.2 DEB
  10. @cpellerano The ARM version is just a binary. It can run on any CPU with ARM architecture. The RPI package contains same ARM binary, though wrapped in debian package format to ease installation, uninstallaiton and control.
  11. @mcoliver The settings you show on the screenshot are defaults. They are copied every time you add folder and has no any immediate effect when you change them. If you open your folder preferences, you'll also see "use tracker" and "use relay". Could you please try to disable them also for all your folders and see if it helps?
  12. @mogarick Thanks for info. We'll check it.
  13. @mogarick I can't claim for now. IIRC, WD MyCloud for single drives prohibited running 3rd party apps. We need to check what is the policy and how we can proceed here.
  14. Dear community, Sync 2.2.4 is now available. You can get it via direct links below. Build is not yet pushed to auto-update or to official download site. Direct Download Links: Installer for Windows: x86 installer x64 installerPackage for OS X: OS X packageGzip archive for Linux: ARM i386 x64 glibc23_i386 glibc23_x64Gzip archive for FreeBSD: i386 x64A list of what's new, improved, changed, and fixed in this version is available in the change log. Latest Android build is now also available via direct link: 2.2.1 APK Latest Raspberry Pi package is available via direct link: 2.2.2 DEB
  15. @avoidik It's fixed. Although, if issue already happened, you have to clean up the storage folder (one where Sync stores databases and other service files, by default - .sync hidden folder next to binary) to get rid of it. So, if you updated your Sync on ARM - please shut down Sync and delete all the files in Sync service folder @Borph Planned this week, although only on our Help Center. We are working to get it delivered to official app stores.
  16. @mintwurm It takes some time to propgate, but not much. Also note, that if some of your peers run Free version - folders are not propagated to them. It could be connectivity issue. Folders propagated as files in service Sync folder. To technically, folders does not propagate if peers can't connect (or if someone of them is Free).
  17. @mintwurm Sync relies on 2 ways to detect changes: 1) notifications from OS 2) folder rescan. Notifications from OS is not very reliable way: all OSes has their own edge cases when notification does not come. Therefore Sync is backed up with rescan. Rescan was done as lightweight as it is possible: it only goes over folders and files structure, reading mtime and size. If either has changed, Sync is going to re-hash the file and verify if the content changed, and if yes - which part. So, having the above, Sync with very-long-rescan interval may sometimes miss file updates, though will eagerly allow HDD to sleep (couple more tweaks - disabling logs - required).
  18. @patoka There were some issues after we introduced managed (advanced) folders and "My Devices". Though, several last releases are dedictated to stability and improving core functionality, so 2.2.3 looks very good from support POV. @JerryWithaJ I understand your concerns and urge to get some promise from us that your upgrade is going to be smooth and shiny, but I can't give you such statement: the 1.4 has number of issues and as some of them could reside in database. What I can promise, is that you get guidance from Sync Support and timely help in case if something goes wrong (we see your ticket and will take care of you).
  19. @ddh43 Contact me over support form - and we can arrange a remote session.
  20. @mintwurm One can't reach absolute cross-platformity for an application. Every OS has its own features and traits. OS X allows asterisks and colons in filenames while Windows won't. Windows allows to store huge amount of data in alt streams while Linux is limited to a single FS block for an xattr. As Sync is capable of carrying main function on several platforms - synchronize the data, we believe it is cross-platform. Its also pretty much conforms for what wiki says. Note, that this peculiarity about Linux is mentioned in Knowledge Base in both articles about selective sync and Linux. Although I would totally agree that Linux incompatibility to Selective Sync should be mentioned on purchasing page - we'll update it shortly. If you made a purchase without realizing this fact - we can surely refund you. I can't claim if / when this feature is going to be implemented - in Linux, its much more complex to integrate with shell than in OS X and Windows. As this request was mentioned on Feature Requests forum - it definitely won't be lost.
  21. Dear community, Sync 2.2.3 is now available. You can get it via direct links below. Build is not yet pushed to auto-update or to official download site. Direct Download Links: Installer for Windows: x86 installer x64 installerPackage for OS X: OS X packageGzip archive for Linux: ARM i386 x64 glibc23_i386 glibc23_x64Gzip archive for FreeBSD: i386 x64A list of what's new, improved, changed, and fixed in this version is available in the change log. Latest Android build is now also available via direct link: 2.2.1 APK Latest Raspberry Pi package is available via direct link: 2.2.2 DEB
  22. @all FYI - added link to RPI deb package.
  23. @macula Actually Sync does not differ a lot between Mac's bundles and regular folders. It simply delivers all the files inside and that's it. The only peculiarity I can think of is that bundles receive notifications from OS about changes differently. Therefore, Sync does not deliver some locked files indeed, although it should deliver them latest after 10-20 minutes as it should be found by folder rescan. Could you please do the following test: 1) Reproduce the issue. I.e. make changes to file, ensure that markdown file is not Synced. 2) Give Sync 10-20 minutes. Check again if markdown is Synced now. If it still does not help - could you please send me a debug log from both your computers? Just hit the "Help -> Contact support" inside app and mention that log goes for Roman. Thanks!
  24. @Borph Oh, I see. They'll be available shortly.
  25. @patoka As 1.3 and 1.4 are betas, there are no charts comparing features or something alike. The most important / noticeable changes for Free version would be bugfixes and unified JS-based UI. For bugfixes you can search forums - 1.4 contains change logs in forum topics tagged with "build". Change log for 2.xx here. @JerryWithaJ Technically, Sync 2.x was designed to do upgrade from 1.4. Just shut down your 1.x Sync and start 2.x. All folders will stay as "classic" or "standard" (depending on minor version of 2.x Sync) folders. Identity will stay unchanged. Indeed, community members reported issues during upgrade. There are bugs in Sync 1.x which sometimes cause changes in the database, representing the folder - which stay after upgrade and can behave differently in 2.0. We've fixed all that we've managed to identify, although I can't claim that we've fixed all the 100% of issues. There is always a way to install 2.x from scratch - just remove your 1.4 with all the data, install 2.0 and add all folders as classic ones. The Support team is doing its best to answer as many forum topics as possible, although we can't be everywhere. The primary target of a forum - is a place for community members to talk and help each other (including Sync Staff, but not limited to). If you want to draw our attention to something - PM me. Or contact support directly.