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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @mfresco Not good. Could you please send me your Sync debug logs and sending logs as well as output of your ifconfig from console to us? Mention this forum topic in message body.
  2. @Gorn If it crashes - we can analyze core dump. Check if your Linux creates a core dump. See "/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern" file content which indicates where core dump i saved and how its name is formed.
  3. norbert, Sync structure is rather simple. It's standalone binary. It wants to store files DB and its service data somewhere, all created during first startup. It also creates special .sync subfolder in every folder you sync - that's it. You can run sync binary as is, or with --config <config_path_and_name> switch. If you grep your process list on Syno for btsync, you'll see that it is started with config. See here on config internals. The minimum you need to specify are: - storage_folder to store Sync's data (ensure that user running sync has permissions to access there) - webui -> listen to specify port for webui (it is 8888 by default and may overlap with your instance from package) - device_name to ensure you differentiate between instances. listening_port is randomized and checked for availability, so it is unlikely will overlap with existing instance. Note, that you won't be able to sync same physical folder with 2 instances. Once you add the folder to instance A, instance B will lose access to the folder. Hope it helps.
  4. @Gorn I confirm the issue on Arch Linux - neither ARM nor ARMHF builds are working. Both cause segfault. Although, latest raspbian is okay - arm build works just fine. We'll check what is the reason and get back to this thread (though, it will take a while).
  5. @Juank Could you please elaborate what kind of problems you experience? The "Upgrade to pro" shows up only when you try to use one of 3 Pro functions: selective sync, advanced folders, permissions. Rest of functionality is free.
  6. @norbert78 A single instance of Sync only operates with one identity. So indeed, you'll need another instance to link another identity. Technically, it is possible - though, you'll need to manually start another instance of Sync. You can use the same binary, while you'll need a new config file (sync.conf) pointing to another service flies location ("storage_folder" field). Could you please share your use case and why do you need 2 identities?
  7. @Gorn I'll try to reproduce in the lab and get back to you.
  8. @scratchit JFYI - PPA was an unofficial package. Currently, we have official package which also supports systemd.
  9. Well, that's strange. I just tried to run latest Sync version on RPI1 and it started just fine. Which exact RPI model do you use?
  10. @davidak No, we are not planning to open-source Sync at the moment. Although note, that Sync already got reviewed by 3rd party security authority. See this thread for details.
  11. @Gorn Are you trying to run arm or armhf build?
  12. Kay, 2.3.10022 is a special debugging build targeted to address some particular issue with crashes on Mac. It is based on 2.3.5, which has a number of issues tied to endless rescan. I'd advise to upgrade to 2.3.7.
  13. @ads_green Should be some bug in our scripts. I apologize for inconvenience! We'll send you key shortly. Please PM me with the e-mail you used to apply for API key.
  14. @TheGC Was the Sync running all the time since April 10? If yes - it is very likely that now files are removed form .sync/Archive folder. By default, Sync only keeps backup files for 30 days. Also note, that you need to check .sync/Archive on all peers. Files will be present only on peer where they were deleted by Sync, and only for 30 days. For example, if something (user or app) removed files on peer A, you won't find them on peer A's .sync/Archive. Only in other peers archives.
  15. @davedave Sure you can do it. If your phone and computers are linked in My Devices - it's easy. Just open the backup folder in Sync, tap it, choose "Devices" and you can add checkboxes to devices where you want backup to appear. If you are not using my devices, all you need to is to open the computer where you already backup, open folder properties, copy the key and deliver it to your 2nd computer. Then add the folder using this key - and you'll get a backup on your second computer.
  16. @kibrock Some comments on your request: Some versions of CURL may be sensitive to the order of arguments. So I suggest next order: curl <username-pass> <method> <url> <content-type> <request content> When requesting any method except GET, you need to supply cookies and security token. Please see below a sample of changing the device name with POST method. curl -c cookie -u admin:pass http://localhost:8888/api/v2/token curl -b cookie -u admin:pass -X POST http://localhost:8888/api/v2/owner?token=jFMy-j2Mtoy3-ucVeB5lcE6A41nGNqqlrToTeflPoIgPpCxeF6qNXXzk1lYAAAAA -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"username":"John Doe","devicename":"Test Machine"}' cookie is the file to store cookies, while "token" value is received in /api/v2/token call.
  17. @Tim Radbourne Sure. Take a look here and here.
  18. It might be due to blocked traffic. I suggest trying to manually forward ports on your router/NAT and set predefined hosts to public IPs.
  19. @Facedownwassup What is your version of Sync and your OS? Do you run Sync as service or just as a regular app?
  20. @w82 Try launching it manually, by running /usr/bin/btsync --config /home/pi/.config/btsync/config2.json --nodaemon the "--nodaemon" will prevent app from forking and will show what exactly caused sync to close.
  21. @MrNES If you are using Standard or Encrypted folders to backup data to your friend's hardware, just keep the key in safe place (not the link!). If you are using Advanced folder - ensure that you have non-expiring link in safe place. To get data back you'll need to install Sync on fresh computer / OS, and add a folder using backed up key. Friend's computer will start seeding data.
  22. @yhsvl No, as soon as you copy it, it is no longer synced. When you copy the folder, your Mac also copies all assets including custom icon. Though, it does not add the folder to Sync automatically and Sync won't update files in copied folder. Still, it'll monitor the original folder as designed.
  23. @Maddux Issue was already located: devs know why and where it happens. We plan to fix it in one of next updates. Though, thanks a lot for your last instruction - it perfectly reproduces the issue in Numbers and it'll be much easier for QA to verify fix once it is ready.
  24. @Maddux 1. We are aware of the issue. It happened due to some optimizations in our app deployment and will be back in next version. Sorry for inconvenience. 2, 3. Thanks for suggestion - we'll consider improving in future builds. File management looks to be really important. 4. It's not a bug. Office is using rather unusual way to deliver files to Sync, which is not completely supported. Thanks for pointing to this one - we'll add supporting this feature to our plans.