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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @zeropluszero Version 1.3 won't be updated to HTML UI. Though, as you mentioned - we'll support it only for some period of time. @onesolo If you copy the link, it will show you something like that: If you mail it - it should open your default mail client with e-mail template, containing similar link. If all of the above does not happen - could you please collect debug logs so we can take a look what's happening?
  2. @Brilliantsam We are planning Sync version for business - thanks for the feedback, we'll consider your demand.
  3. @BeTheSync Thanks for info. We'll try to repro issue in the lab. Also, I've opened a ticket for you in our support - we'll make a special build intended to catch your issue. I appreciate your cooperation!
  4. @Windlasher Right. To ignore "Bob" folder you'll need to edit .sync\IgnoreList file and add "Bob" entry there. See here more about ignore rules.
  5. @tjl Which OS do you use for the test? I tried syncing filename with 2 or 3 consecutive dots in the filename between Mac and Win with no issues (though, I used 1.4 in my tests)
  6. @Brilliantsam Sync takes the last modified version of a file and syncs it for all peers. Versions, considered to be old are moved to the .sync\Archive subfolder (and added with .n postfix where "n" grows if there already such files in Archive). Archived version stays there for 1 month (by default) and then deleted. Does this way of versioning fit your needs?
  7. @hyperpac Usually Sync does not re-index folders during update. However, in 1.4 there were some big changes in the database itself - which caused your reindexing.
  8. @ICE, @aid85 Oh, got you. I was a bit confused with "standard key" term which is somewhat different from Link. This sounds like a good improvement - please file it to Feature Requests forum to not to lose it. As for the user name issue - thanks, i've filed it - will be fixed soon.
  9. @gauss256 Thanks for the information.
  10. @Petrenko_denis Issue #1 - Selective Sync. Actually, Selective Sync (=non-auto) designed to be main operating mode for mobiles - obviously due to limited storage space. When you choose Selective Sync for the folder, you'll need to tap manually which files you want to get delivered to your phone. Could you please elaborate what exactly does not work? After you tap the file, you'll should get a progress bar below shortly, indicating progress of file delivery. As for the "Synchronized" status - it means that "all files chosen to be synced are synced". Note, that if you have a bunch of peers, your Android device may participate and seed files that you've downloaded. Issue #2 - Constant sending status. Was recently fixed, issue is cosmetic and should disappear with next update. If it does not - please send us feedback from your Android device including debug logs.
  11. @mobilediesel Oh, I see now. There is a bug in 1.4 - it shows more parameters in API get_prefs call than it should. It would be fixed soon. Sorry for inconvenience.
  12. @questorfla Just grab ARM version of BTSync and try it on your WD. For OS limitations - BTSync runs under Linux kernel 2.6.16 or newer and requires GLIBC 2.4 or newer.
  13. @winndd5 It sounds more like the share screen software shows you some glitch with encodings when transferring key. That's pretty surprising, keeping in mind that key contains only alphanumeric symbols below 0x80 (latin and digits, actually).
  14. @nils, @zbigb69 No need to put streams / xattrs to the IgnoreList - it does not care about streams. Its enough to remove streams from StreamsList.
  15. We'll bring ability to operate keys to Android in next update. You can simply rename the folder. Sync 1.4 follows whole folder rename. Not sure I'm following your idea here. If you want a simple key - you can open folder prefs and copy it. No any restrictions can be applied to the key itself. Could you please elaborate? Yep. Already on the wishlist. Sorry, due to beta phase of product development I cannot share any plan on particular feature implementation. I can only guarantee that your voice is heard and feature is considered by product management.
  16. @ICE Your issue does not seem to be bound to the difference between 1.3 and 1.4. Can you please provide debug logs for analysis from your NAS and any other device it can't sync to? @Mark8954 2 things to check for you: 1. Did you modified files (or simply opened them so mtime changes) while Sync was off? 2. Turn on Sync auto-start. Check if *.db-wal files are present in %appdata%\BitTorrent Sync folder BEFORE you start Sync manually after reboot. @casacota No way. You have to open folder properties and copy key instead of Link if you want to get your 1.3 connected to 1.4 @bigbear We'll bring back ability to operate Keys on Android in upcoming update. As for the Link - it is simple enough. Link is secure way to exchange keys between your devices. Once you produced link on one device, open it on another. When BTSync picks it up - it will securely exchange keys. See here ( for more details. Could you please elaborate - what exactly is not working with certificates? I'll appreciate if you can share all the details to so we can help you. @Borph I'll check the Socks5 with SSH in my lab and let you know. @icymatter We are aware about issue with Android battery. Fix is coming in next update.
  17. @OldSync This issue is bound to the fact that way pictures are backed up has changed. We apologize for inconvenience. The most simple workaround would be to reinstall the app.
  18. @zbigb69 Thanks for detailed explanation. I confirm that column resizing issue exists - and will be fixed. For the ignore list. Now is present in both IgnoreList and StreamsList. IgnoreList does not care about xattrs, so it changes nothing if it present or absent inside. StreamsList contains it - and forces xattrs to be synced. If you want to prevent xattrs to be synced - remove them from StreamsList. @Borph Could you provide couple of screenshots on how it does not work? I just checked it in my lab - Encrypted secrets work fine.
  19. @cz2000 What's wrong to 1.3 and 1.4? Could you please describe in details?
  20. @mariano I'll need logs. If you got a lot of files - set log_size preference to, say, 500Mb. Logs will be huge - but we'll get better chances to catch issue there. @BeTheSync Thanks for clarifications. Just to make sure I got your message: even when you give enough time to Sync to shut down, and it does not leave DB temp files behind - newer files are still overwritten. Is it correct? It is not recommended to delete temp files - SQLite should delete them on its own. As for the limit - indeed, it is only limited by your OS resources. Usually, Sync allocates around 1k of memory per file or folder. Also, deep files tree will prevent Windows from sending file change notifications to Sync (so change will be detected only during rescan). Finally, big amount of files mean longer rescan time, to it's advised to increase folder rescan interval. @WeeGee It is stable, just some events come from a peer we don't have name for, only the ID. It is not very productive to put 16 bytes hexadecimal peer ID into history. Just checked in the lab - it is confused. Thanks for report, we'll fix it! Under which OS do you do this operation?
  21. @adam1v Indeed, it sounds like a permissions issue: seems Sync can't write data to its storage folder. I'm not familiar well with unofficial package - but it should be pretty easy to check: see which parameters are used to run btsync binary: - if there is "--config" parameter - it will show path to config, in config you'll need to find "storage_path" value. - if there is no config parameter, see .sync subfolder in the same location where binary stays - it is storage dir. @hurik Note, that downgrading is not supported, i.e. you Sync 1.3 can't use 1.4 database. If you downgrade - you'll need fully reinstall and read all folders. @AzimutTheUt We've got some delays with delivering official package and now actively working with Synology to finally publish it. Will be available soon.
  22. @suchusernamemuchcreative Let's start with your logs - 10kb/sec looks to be only service data, no actual transfer happens. Could you please turn on debug logs and collect it from both your PI an at least 1 Win machine? @daishi4u Same for you. I need to take a peek into debug logs. Please send it to me via, note this topic in subject.
  23. @gauss256 I'll be happy to hear what sort of bad packets are ruining Control4. I suspect that they cannot process well either UPnP / PMP packets or Sync Discovery over multicast. You can try disabling UPnP in Sync to see if this helps Control4, or - LAN discovery to check out the same.