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Everything posted by Helen

  1. what version? operating systems? environment details? after what changes in setup it started crashing? please tell these details to support and send debug logs and crash dumps. https://help.getsync.com/hc/en-us/articles/206664730-Collecting-debug-logs- https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/206214615-Collecting-crash-reports-mini-dumps-and-core-dumps
  2. Dear community, Sync 2.6.0 Release Candidate is now available. You can get it via direct links below only. Direct Download Links: Installer for Windows: x86 installer x64 installer Package for OS X: OS X package Gzip archive for Linux: arm armhf i386 x64 glibc23_i386 glibc23_x64 Gzip archive for FreeBSD: i386 x64 MAJOR CHANGES Improved transfer speed File send is free now Introduced performance graphs FIXES AND IMPROVEMENTS (compared to RC Core improvements Fixed syncing after changing its letter case on Windows Improved warnings for invalidated files in Read-only shares Fixed some crashes
  3. apparently forced reboot does not let sync properly save its settings. Exit sync correctly so that configuration is saved.
  4. instead of swiping the app from recent apps, please close it correctly through Exit menu in Sync
  5. this error means that Sync was not able to find the share by the path from share prefs. May be SD card gets mounted way later after reboot or it changes its identifier. Doublecheck the path to share in Sync and in system. Also, try disabling Sync autostart and start it manually after reboot.
  6. Please contact support with any details about your case and Sync version. The latest iteration between support and leoeavenson was: >I have the most recent version Which exactly version do you have? The most recent for today is 2.5.6. (for today it's 2.5.12) > blank browser page with my DDNS followed by :8888 Check the following: Check that dns name resolves into the address which is available from the network location you're currently in. Try using the IP address of the NAS instead. The listening port of webui shall also be open. Do you see gray bar at the top of the page? Check that Sync process is actually running - ssh to your NAS and check with command "ps aux | grep sync" How many shares you have in Sync and how many files are there? how much RAM does you NAS have and how much of that Sync consumes.
  7. thank you. there won't be much, just the security fix mentioned. Updated change log.
  8. Centos does not support --user https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=8767
  9. there is! Just add a folder to sync and share it. https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/205506699-Quick-guide-to-syncing
  10. 'm not sure that simply moving the file to sync directory will change its timestamp. Please send debug logs from all peers to support and mention file names, and give details about these files - what they are, where' they 're moved from and to, how they're originated on PC. https://help.getsync.com/hc/en-us/articles/206664730-Collecting-debug-logs-
  11. move the mouse cursor over to "history' icon in Sync UI and do a left-click on it.....
  12. I've heard you all, I apologized twice, I said how to remove the ad and said that it will not show up again. Apparently, once you've seen the ad it's been pushed to all Sync, right? This will not happen to Pro anymore. if you opt for refund, please contact support or do that from License Management Console. Thanks.
  13. i guess you're running it from a binary file? launc it with --webui.listen param and open on your NAS's IP http://IP:8888/gui/
  14. this happened cause an ad campaign was held. No, it will not show up again. Please accept my sincere apologies for this ad.
  15. Please follow the support ticket. Unfortunately, support does not work 24/7.
  16. Sorry for the inconveniences caused. Please dismiss the ad, we'll not be promoting.
  17. If you rename the sync share itself - it's not supposed to be synced. All renaming inside sync share - shall be synced. What exactly you rename?
  18. is it the case discussed here forum.resilio.com/topic/43787-poss-bug-pop-up-after-logging-in
  19. this error pop ups if UTC timestamp on peers differs by more than 10 minutes. All peers shall have it the same, taking into account their local time and timezone, so check these in first place. Re-sharing a folder will not help here. This article will help to to verify the timestamps . To avoid further misunderstanding, I'll provide some comments ahead. UTC time shows the devices time relatively to Greenwich. So if peerA is in (UTC +01:00), and peerB is in (UTC +03:00) time zone, the local time of peerA will be, for example, 13:45, and for peerB 15:45 accordingly. However, their Greenwich time will be still the same peerA = 12:45 = 13:45 minus 1 hour, for peerB = 12:45 = 15:45 minus 3 hours. If either of the setting is wrong, you get that error message: for example, on peerB you set "the correct time" - some 14:35, and get that its UTC is now 14:35 minus 3 hours = 11:45, and get 1 hour timediff with peerA.
  20. Did you check Archive? It stores deleted files: https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/204754239-Using-Archive-for-file-versioning-and-restoring-deleted-files-