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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Have you previously shared a folder using a link (rather than a key)? Once you share a folder using a link, the device name becomes fixed (as it forms part of the security certificate used to authenticate links) and cannot be changed (short of uninstalling & performing a fresh install of Sync)
  2. You can't currently! - changes (including deletions) made on a R/W (read/write) node propagate to R/O (read only) nodes - think of it more a one-way "mirror", rather than a "backup". However, consider adding your voice to this request for none deleting nodes in the Feature Requests forum. Also, in relation to "out of sync", on your RO node, select the folder's preferences within Sync and tick the "Overwrite any changed files" option. This will bring the RO node back in sync with its "master" R/W node and should get rid of the "out of sync" message.
  3. Consider adding a "+1" to this thread in the Feature Requests forum.
  4. To confirm, you're seeing an "Invalid Request" error in your browser when you tray to navigate to ? Have you got any other service running/listening on port 8888? (the default port that Sync's WebUI listens on) If so, that may well be the reason for the "Invalid Request" message. Try shutting down the other service that's listening on port 8888 to see if you can then access Sync's WebUI. If you can, you'll need to configure Sync to listen on a different port to the default 8888. This can be done by running Sync with a config file with a different listening port specified. On Windows, you can use a very simple config file: Save the above as "myconfig.conf" (altering the storage_path and port values accordingly) to the same folder as your BTSync.exe file, and then run BTSync.exe with a "/config myconfig.conf" switch.
  5. Have you tried updating to the latest version, 1.4.103? As there have been "cosmetic changes and fixes" in the builds since 1.4.93
  6. Yep - same principle applies! Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/BitTorrent Sync Linux: ./sync
  7. It's already quite easy to backup/restore your Sync settings - for example, on Windows, just make a copy your %AppData%\BitTorrent Sync folder
  8. Please see my reply to your duplicate post here
  9. Please see: Collecting Debug Logs
  10. Please see: Generate Encrypted Read Only Secret Without API Key
  11. Not presently possible - Sync is primarily designed to synchronize your files as they are, not to modify/edit/change them in the process.
  12. In Sync itself click Preferences (the cog icon) -> Enter a Key, and paste your link into there.
  13. That's correct. Please see the release notes for the 1.4.103 thread: "It is NOT available via auto-update yet"
  14. Firstly, 1.4.93 isn't the latest version, 1.4.103 is. Secondly, 1.4.103 contains a fix for these issues Please see this thread.
  15. This is a known issue, and being discussed in this thread.
  16. Have you tried turning camera backup off and then back on again (i.e. disconnecting and re-setting it up) since you installed 1.4.103?
  17. To be fair, issues surrounding blank UI's and the dependency on IE that affected earlier 1.4 builds have since been addressed. For example, Sync 1.4 is no longer dependent on IE on Windows - you can easily access it via Chrome or Firefox, etc instead. Given you seem to be under the impression that there are still widespread blank interface issues and a dependency on IE, perhaps "what you've seen so far" isn't actually the latest 1.4.x builds? (which at time of writing is 1.4.103)
  18. It's optional whether when sharing a link you require the device it's used on to be "approved" by you. You can share links/keys without requiring approval. In the case where you are requiring approval, only once those devices have been approved by you will they then be able to access/share data from the folder you're sharing with them. You may have inadvertently generated/copied a link/QR code with the "Peers I invite must be approved on this device" option selected. You can of course share keys the old-fashioned way instead by clicking a folder's preferences icon (3 dots) and selecting "Copy Read Only Key" or "Copy Read & Write Key" from the menu, instead of using the "Share" button. Officially, the generation of encrypted RO keys is currently only supported via the API, but as you indicate there are workarounds available to generate these keys without the API
  19. Changes (additions/modifications/deletions) on a read-only node will be ignored and won't propagate back to read-write nodes. Changes (additions/modifications/deletions) on a read-write node will propagate to read-only nodes. Therefore, if your folder with pre-existing data is setup as a read-only node, and you sync it with a read-write node that is empty, the files on your read-only node will be deleted (or rather, moved to the archive) In relating to limiting "archiving", try reducing the value of the advanced "sync_trash_ttl" setting from 30 (days) to 1 (day)
  20. Please update to the latest version, 1.4.103 - as this (and the version before it 1.4.99) resolved many cases of "out of sync" issues.
  21. As has been discussed a number of times previously on the forums, this is a limitation of the Android 4 OS, rather than a limitation of Sync itself. Applications on Android 4 can not write to the SD card outside their dedicated directory (Earlier versions of Android, and the upcoming Android 5 "Loilipop" don't have these same restrictions) As such, this isn't really a "feature request" for Sync, as it is just not possible on versions of Android where applications are not permitted full access to the SD card - by the OS - sorry! I'd suggest waiting for Android 5, which should then allow you to sync any arbitrary location on your SD card.
  22. As of August 2014, there have been more than 10 million user installs and more than 80 petabytes of data synced between users
  23. Consider adding your voice to this thread over in the Feature Requests forum.
  24. If the support team have asked for your Android logs, then yes, please use the "Send Feedback" button in the Android app, and include your debug logs (be sure to give your support ticket number in the feedback message, so that the team can track your issue for you)