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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. This is already possible - please see "Can I force Sync to do local network (LAN) syncing only and not sync via the Internet?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  2. Hi Olivia, Thanks for your post & questions! Essentially, if your devices are "off", Sync won't work. Therefore, in order for files to "transfer" to another device, both devices need to be "on". In relation to indexing - again, devices have to be on for Sync to "index" a folder. However, it's quite safe to turn off your computer - then the next time you turn it on/start Sync, it will resume its indexing of the folder. So in answer to your questions: Yes, your devices need to be on & Sync needs to be running for the "rescan every 10 minutes" function to take place. It very much depends upon what you mean by "turn off", as this is different to "Sleep". It also depends upon whether you've configured Sync to run automatically at system startup. If you mean "turn off", and you don't have Sync set to automatically run at start up, then yes, when you turn your computer back on, you'll then need to also manually start Sync. If you mean "turn off", but Sync is set to automatically run at start up, then when you turn your computer back on, Sync will load and resume from where it left off then the device was shut down. If you mean "Sleep" (or "Hibernate"), then regarldess of whether Sync is set to automatically run at start up or not, as long as Sync was running when your put your machine to "Sleep", it will carry on when you "Wake" your computer (providing the network connection is the same - if you've changed wi-fi networks, or your computer's IP changes between being put to "Sleep" and woken up, you may need to restart Sync) Correct! With "cloud" based Sync, with computer A and computer B, files go from computer A to a "cloud" and then to computer B. Therefore, once files have be sent from computer A to the "cloud", computer A could then be switched off, and computer B could still obtain the files, as they're in the cloud. With BitTorrent Sync, there is no "cloud" therefore, for computer A to send files to computer B, both computers must be on at the same time. If computer A is off, computer B won't receive the files until computer A comes back online. Hope that makes sense!
  3. How much free disc space do you have on your drives?
  4. That's correct - Check for Update is working, however, whilst Sync remains in "Beta", not every new beta build is pushed out straight away - if at all - via the Check for Update feature. This will change once Sync leaves "beta"
  5. Feel free to add it to the mobile client Wishlist.
  6. There are some examples & explanations of .SyncIgnore rules in the Unofficial FAQ.
  7. You'll find the Wishlist thread for posting suggestions/feature requests here.
  8. Ha! All that information, and yet no mention of the actual version of Sync you're using!? If you're using anything less than 1.2.91, please update your devices to 1.2.91 first, and see if that resolves your issue!
  9. In order to be able to sync between two devices, Sync must be installed on both devices.
  10. Up/Down rate limits will only apply to remote (internet) transfers, not local (LAN) transfers - UNLESS you change the advanced "rate_limit_local_peers" setting to TRUE
  11. The first thing to bear in mind is that BitTorrent Sync is first and foremost a file synchronization tool - rather than a "backup" / "system restore" / "disaster recovery" tool - if that's what you're primary interested in, you may be better suited to other software solutions primarily designed for such tasks. In relation to your "scenarios": 0. Hard drive failure Theoretically, you could use Sync to sync the entire contents of one drive to another drive (on a remote machine/NAS, etc). However, it is currently not recommended to sync an entire drive, as this can lead to multiple issues (for example, on Windows, Sync is unable to access system/protected files - i.e. "Recycled" or "System Volume Information" folders) - so Sync won't produce a true "clone" of one hard drive to another 1. Restoring system partition of Windows See above.... and remember that Sync can't sync files that are currently open/locked/in use by other applications (including by the OS itself), or files/folders that it doesn't have sufficient permissions to access/read. Basically, Sync can be used to sync your important files/documents/pictures/music etc to other devices, and in this way, if one device fails, you'll still have a copy of these files on your other devices. However, sync isn't designed to "clone" or "backup" your entire Operating System!
  12. You'll only find this option on the Folder Properties dialog for folders with a read-only secret
  13. "Check For Updates" hasn't yet been "turned on" for every beta build. You can manually obtain 1.2.87/89 via the main download page.
  14. What version of Sync are you using? If it was 1.2.82 there was a known - and rather strange - issue whereby the presence of the number "9" in a secret would could Sync to crash! This was fixed for 1.2.87/89, so either update to one of those builds, or remove any "9" digits from your custom secret - that will hopefully resolve your issue!
  15. Does your T:\ drive have "Recycled" and/or "System Volume Information" folders? Sync cannot access these System folders, as so trying to sync such folders can cause issues. For this reason, it is not advisable to Sync an entire drive (I'm assuming here that T:\ is an entire drive, rather than just a single location you've mapped to that particular drive letter?)
  16. If it works when you run your "batch" file manually, but not when the batch file runs on a schedule, it's highly likely to be that the account under which the batch file runs on a schedule does not have enough permissions to either access the folder you're trying to sync (hence the "BitTorrent Sync cannot identify the destination folder" error), or to access %AppData%/BitTorrent Sync (hence the "Failed to init db" error). If it "sometimes" runs on a schedule, but not others, it's likely that your scheduled task is set to run using the credentials of the currently logged in user. Therefore, if a different user happens to be logged in, the task will run under a different set of credentials (see above) There's also some additional info on the "BitTorrent Sync cannot identify the destination folder" error in the Unofficial FAQ Finally, it's also advisable to ensure that all your devices are running the same version of Sync, rather than a mixture of versions.
  17. Development is very active and certainly has NOT stopped, nor have the team "run into trouble" - please see this post,
  18. If you only want Sync to sync over your Local LAN, please see "Can I force Sync to do local network (LAN) syncing only and not sync via the Internet?" in the Unofficial FAQ. For the other things you "want", you'll find the "Wishlist" thread here.
  19. Please see "Will my devices still sync when switched off?" in the Unofficial FAQ
  20. Please see "When I run the installer, nothing happens" in the Unofficial FAQ
  21. It's not an automatic process - API keys are currently released in batches. It can take several days/weeks before a new batch is released to those who have signed up.
  22. Are you using full-access secrets on both devices, or are you using a read-only secret on one of them? Moving a file out of a folder being monitored can appear the same to Sync as deleting a file from the folder - i.e. Sync just knows that the file is no longer in the folder, and so will try to obtain it from other peers.
  23. What operating system are you using? the OS generally determines how quickly Sync is able to detect changes to your files. For example, on Macs, there is no "real time" detection of file changes (a limitation of the underlying OS, not of Sync) - instead, Sync has to perform a folder rescan at a recurring interval (every 10 minutes by default, but this can be configured). On other devices, a delay between a file being modified and the changes being synced can commonly be a few to several seconds.
  24. Errr.... Hamachi isn't open source either... so the whole reason for what you're trying to achieve here is somewhat flawed!!