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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @jsbeddow No, Android FS (usually Ext3/ext4) could update the "access time", not the "mtime" unless the file is changed. Though, it also depends on keepass behavior - it might actually write some data into DB even if no actual change was done. In any case, you give me a good hint on issue reproduciton - I'll attempt another repro in the lab, thanks.
  2. @advhound Yep, it should work in the same way with RO folders. Only one little difference - if some files differ from what you have on RW peer they won't be synced now and ever (unless you set preference "Overwrite changed files") Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. @Michael Horton Could you please let me know exact path you try to add? Many user folders in Windows are actually not folders but Directory Junctions. Sync does not work well with Junctions. So right solution here would be to add real path Junction points to.
  4. @aduermael Every time Sync parses the json config file, it saves parsed results to internal config format. So indeed, all the folders are saved internally. Though, when you remove folders from json and start sync again with --config - it should remove folders from internal config as well. Note, that you have to remove folders from json config file, removing them in WebUI is not going to work.
  5. @MichaelIhns If you are downgrading - yes, you have to uninstall with cleaning up all app data as well as delete .sync subfolders in directories you sync. While you are on 1.4 - please cooperate with our support to resolve issues with 1.4. BTW, did you get any Android phones in your mesh?
  6. @delphifeel Could you plz make sure: 1. That the Sync binary you start is indeed 1.4.103 (just hit alt-enter, properties and see file resources). It is very common crash when user ran 1.4 once and then trying to run older binary - which crashes due to DB format changed. 2. Check if there are no "settings.dat" file laying next to binary file. It also causes crash.
  7. @Nigcra It might be an ISP filtering - though I suggest to do a very basic tests on making sure that ports used by your Sync are opened and connection could be established.
  8. @jochen Even if you enabled DHT once - you can still receive a number of connections. The easiest way is to make sure it is disabled is: disable it for all folders, restart Sync and change listening port. Answering your question on relay servers - yes, in ideal environment every your peer is relay server - it both gets the data and seeds it to other peers. Although, due to lack of public IP addresses many networks are hidden behind NAT devices and they can't simply receive incoming connection. Sync has a number of ways to overcome NATs, though it might happen that all of them fail. When it happens - Sync can't establish direct connection from peer to peer and has to ask Relay server to transmit data. Relay has public IP - therefore it always can be reached by all peers, though it's bandwidth is extremely limited. Also, Relay function is very primitive - it simply retransmits packets from one connection to another. As it does not have access to your keys - it cannot see traffic content (Sync encrypts external traffic).
  9. @r3mark Actually, UI is processed in separate thread . I wonder what is the HW of your PC? Is it some low-end device (like, based on intel atom or other low-profile CPU)? Also - anything special about folders you sync (network drive, some unusual HDD, etc)?
  10. @JJMcKay 1. Is the issue reproduction stable? 2. What is the mode of your android device?
  11. @slco Your Mac 10.6.8 is very likely the culprit. It has a major difference comparing to newer MacOS X: it has no notification mechanism to let Sync (or any other apps) know that files has changed. Sync behaves slightly different when change is detected by notifier or by folder rescan - and this difference sometimes might lead to issue you described.
  12. @Anro Sync does not do anything special with files upon rescan. It goes over all files in file tree and checks every file mtime and size. If any of these changed - it also reads and hashes file's content. I strongly suspect that Win implementation of EFS tries to optimize access to file content and decrypts content into memory just in case if app is going to access it. You can write a simple batch file (or any other script / programming language code) accessing all the files and see if you'll experience same issue as with Sync.
  13. @brucewagner It depends on what you want to achieve. Tracker is more organized way to find peers you are interested in and is much easier to manage for admins / users who care of their security. DHT improves robustness of finding necessary peers, though results in fact that your PC has to store and share part of DHT table.
  14. @aduermael Please ignore messages "Error while adding folder /sync2: Selected folder is already added to BitTorrent Sync." when adding folders via config file. Actually, when you follow the pattern "stop sync -> edit config -> start sync" is there any functional issues except the messages in the log? (As I understand the "new identity" issue pops up when you clean up the /usr/bin folder)
  15. Bradley, One more question to clarify your case. Did the keypass KDB file changed on your Android device AFTER you shut down Sync on Android? Even the very tiny change (even changing mtime) is counted.
  16. @captainpease This functionality is already implemented - try it. When adding folder that already has pre-synced data, Sync should just index it and do not transfer files (directory structure should be completely same).
  17. @tantra Thanks for reporting. I'll check it in our lab and file a bug if confirmed.
  18. @HavocDK The issue you describe already identified - and will be fixed soon. Thanks for reporting. Some tech details: when you deleted files on your Synology - Sync won't sync them anymore. Therefore, Sync on server sees that there are some files Synology does not have and does not download by some reason - that's why it shows "out of sync". @Preston3 Do I understand correctly that you see in queue and it never goes away from there? If yes - I suggest checking your file .sync/StreamsList and checking if ResourceFork is mentioned there on all your peers.
  19. @ms2oo8 No worries - our support is on your case. Please keep following our instructions. And - thanks, we appreciate your cooperation.
  20. @chicagonyc In command line . Seriously, the most straightforward way to check the account and folder is to connect to NAS over SSH and check folder owner, process owner and see what exactly does not match.
  21. @slco, @Kunaren There is WebUI for Sync, it is started with /webui command line switch - though it is available for Windows only.
  22. @slco The log entries you pasted indicate that Sync wants to sync files - but cannot find them. The end of log just demonstrates the graceful sync shutdown. This information is not enough to find out what actually happened. I suggest checking next things: 1. What OSes are present in your mesh? Any windows? 2. Are files just "gone" or they were moved to .sync/Archive folder? If they are in Archive, it means they were deleted by Sync because other instance of Sync decided to delete them. Otherwise - they were removed by other app.
  23. @krtaylor 1.3 is available for download, it is not a problem (though no longer supported). Let me know if you are willing to debug your issues with 1.4 - i'll instruct you on what to collect and where to send the data.
  24. @degarb Sync for Android devices (if you are using default settings) will check for changes every 30 minutes - and sync when necessary, if you leave it in background. This behavior can be adjusted with "Auto-sleep" feature in app preferences.
  25. @jkutay This preference is not yet available on Sync for mobile devices.