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Everything posted by Helen

  1. No, with encrypted folders you cannot pre-seed, it will not work.
  2. no need to delete. Just reconnect these two folders. Please check the guides:! https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/205506569-Can-I-connect-two-pre-populated-pre-existing-folders-
  3. 1. Open peers list, you'll see "relay" icon there. See the guide. 2. See 'status' column and peers list. Also, if you see up/down speed indicators at UI bottom, smth is being synced. 3. Correct. 4. Both.
  4. Update the keys: DEB: wget -qO - https://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/key.asc | sudo apt-key add - RPM rpm --import https://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/key.asc
  5. on desktops Selective Sync works a bit differently, you can delete the file form other devices right away, use "remove from all devices" option . Please check the guides, thanks.
  6. looks shutting down the machine does not let sync save settings all right.
  7. Ignoring ~ is not a bug. Indeed, these are ignored. Remove that rule form IgnoreList. Checking IgnoreList is one of the first things suggested to check in HelpCenter ....
  8. no, unfortunately, it's not supported currently. There's a connectivity troubleshooter in user manual though. might be of help.
  9. First, note that this setting refers to WebUI listening port - the port at which you open WebUI in your browser. it it no way refers to connection to other peers and does not affect it. If your peers do not connect to each other, you might want to see this guide to troubleshoot. And as you say - enabling tracker works for you. In LAN Sync uses broadcast packets to discover other peers, so recheck your router settings to allow these.
  10. in cli you can see the log file in storage folder. grep for lines "Got id message from peer" - that will be a connected online peer. If nothing found - no peers connected.
  11. 1. check archive folders. deleted files go there. 2. i don't know. need investigating. Please contact support and send debug logs from PC and NAS or OS X to them. Give a bit of details about that "suddenly" - nothing happens without a reason. Thanks.
  12. 1) no, pause shouldn't stop indexing: explained here, and here, and here, and here and in user guide. 2) when a new file appears in the share, Sync's notified about it and starts checking the file. It's at this moment when it sees that the file's still locked. You can set a delay for your Sync to put off processing files: https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/207491426-Setting-Delay-Time-For-Syncing Also, you can disable those bubble notifications in Sync settings.
  13. Well, by default Sync does not run with a config file - you need to first create it and set up sync shares there. 1. yes, 'shared_folders' section in Sync. you'll need to actually adjust the paths when copying config to a remote peer. 2. no, scheduling is not supported.
  14. I just commented on your parameters. I didn't give any evaluation. No archive stores all files, it's not possible to limit it to certain file types. Anyway, you'll be able to just manually clear Archive at any moment. please do not 'force quit' Sync if possible. You sync a lot of files, databases and configuration files are going to be big. Forcing quit won't give time to save that properly. it does not involve only settings, but also share's database, statistics, and what not. Got it. No, archived files are not re-synced.
  15. https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/204754679-What-s-the-difference-between-Standard-and-Advanced-folders- https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/206216575-How-do-I-upgrade-my-Standard-1-4-or-classic-folders-to-Advanced-2-x-folders- same with switching back from Advanced to Standard
  16. it is fixed. it was taken care and fixed months ago. it will be released together with 2.6 Sync version. It cannot be released earlier, cause it involved a number of other changes with icon.
  17. 1. long rescan interval - if Sync's not informed of file update, you'll need to wait for 8 hours for Sync to start rescanning the folder. 180 days for archive - will take much storage. 2. I don't know how Keyboard Meastro can affect syncing and how it closes the app. If there's an option to set shut down time out, make it bigger so that Sync has enough time to save settings on exit 3. not sure I understand. file versions are stored in Archive - you can get them all there. If you mean to distinguish between file updated made by pc1 and pc2, no this cannot be done. Check history and compare timestamps. >the endpoint changing the files will not have an archive/ version history but others will do.
  18. where did you read it? You can do one-way with Standard folders as well
  19. Is "rate_limit_local_peers" in power user preferences enabled? https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/204762669-Sync-Preferences
  20. Sync Free won't work for you? Ok, then I'm afraid i cannot advise on any other tool.
  21. sorry, it's not in any 2.5.x, It'll be included into major update - 2.6.x
  22. That's right, user's home folder contains Sync installation folder, you cannot get Sync to sync itself. You have license applied and / or linked devices, right? See it also asked a while ago: forum.resilio.com/topic/43754-backup-a-couple-of-macs-to-a-windows-machine/