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Everything posted by Helen

  1. open Registry editor, go toHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\ scroll down to keys starting with {581FF.....}, search for those with Resilio Sync value with older version mentioned in their name.
  2. there might be a number of reasons for that: -what's the hardware? CPU and RAM usage on both? disk read-write speed? - what are the files? are they syncable (available for syncing)? What's their number? A lot of small files are slow to sync. - network? is it LAN? VPN? Are they connected to each other directly or though relay? - what does History in Sync say on both - any errors reported? I suspect that there're just too many torrents pending so queue buffers are overloaded. Until B is done writing the current pack of files, syncing stalls. To have the case investigated, send the debug logs from both NAS to support.
  3. did you do systemctl --user enable resilio-sync.service ? What was the output?
  4. Please see this issue with FU discussed in this forum post
  5. if you go and check the file's time in its properties, what is it?
  6. Apparently, they cannot connect to each other: https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/205450205-Peers-aren-t-connecting
  7. yes. you can disable rescan if you don't like it, but it's generally highly not advisable.
  8. @Room 608, please, send the debug logs to support and give any deatils, at least what device it happened on and what Sync version you use. Thank you.
  9. to rescan the folder periodically and detect the changes in files. system notifications sometimes fail.
  10. do these wal disappear when you exit Sync?
  11. on Android use power user settings, on iOS and WP it's not yet possible, will be implemented
  12. I was saying it needs rescan. so I cannot answer "why it doesn't need it"
  13. rescan isn't set to 0 by default, cause Sync actually needs rescan. Here's the link to collect logs: https://help.getsync.com/hc/en-us/articles/206664730-Collecting-debug-logs- Send them to support. Thank you!
  14. It was fixed long ago, it's just not yet released. Will be out with the upcoming release, but sorry, not ETA for now.
  15. After you install Sync package on the new NAS, you can try and move the storage folder and put it in its place on the new NAS: /usr/local/resiliosync/var - this is the directory here Sync keeps its settings. Start the package and it shall take it up. This trick works with other platforms, but frankly speaking NAS case not tested in the lab, and I haven't tried it...
  16. so these are not the same identities! They may be having the same name, but they are actually different. Have you read the article about the Identities? It explains fingerprint! If you link devices with ONE identity, they will have ONE common identity with the same fingerprint. You've just created the identity for each device and didn't link them with one identity. that's it. "Share folder" is not linking a device! it's simply sharing a folder! Please do read the article about linking devices with one identity. Thank you.
  17. Yeah, that's what I was hinting at - at shutdown the unclosed apps reopen. Do you see this unwanted behavior when doing reboot?
  18. So it's added to autostart twice. Try disabling fast boot up. https://lifehacker.com/enable-this-setting-to-make-windows-10-boot-up-faster-1743697169 And an important question - do you shutdown and start PC, or use reboot option?
  19. cause you don't have any other devices linked to your identity. there's only the laptop. this device will be unlinked from the current identity. Once each Sync installation is to have its identity, you'll be offered to either create the new identity for this device or link to any other identity. This is also described in the guide: https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/205457815-Sync-Private-Identity-Linking-My-Devices
  20. these lines only indicate the 10053 TCP error. Having full logs from both peers would be way more informative. Please contact support. Thanks.