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Everything posted by Helen

  1. looks like you have Selective Sync enabled? in this case files won't sync until you select them to sync. if it's not enabled, open peer queue (in peers list) and see if files are listed there. Have you checked Sync user guides? It has a few nice articles: https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/205450355-My-files-don-t-sync https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/206664730-Collecting-debug-logs- Please contact support to send the logs to them. A few screenshots to illustrate your setup would be also nice.
  2. edit /lib/systemd/system/resilio-sync.service and change user from rslsync to root.
  3. honestly, not clear at all - you mean they didn't sync, or got deleted, or what? Any details would be really really nice! and what does it tell? This log extract doesn't have anything of use. use encrypted folder in sync. or what you actually mean? don't know, frankly speaking. Perhaps, there's an app that creates these, they look like some temp files. May be you use some smart photo editor/viewer? if you don't want to sync these, you can use Ignore list.
  4. if the question is still relevant: 1) files are kept in archive on mobiles for only 1 day. 2) there's no way to access Archive on iOS and Windows Phone. You can disable Archive, but generally it's not advisable. See it all explained here.
  5. actually home license is already a personal license. From what I see you've upgraded it to Family license. it does not matter, app does not count the computers. You just follow the terms and do not use the Family license key outside your family. no it's not! You just take the purchased license key and give that to your family members! that's all. Let them use the license on their devices, any number of devices.
  6. Please contact support for that pack. Thanks.
  7. Please contact support with this case and send the debug logs from your devices to them: take the logs from storage folder https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/206664690-Sync-Storage-folder
  8. There are minor fixes and improvements, so basically the change log is the same as for 2.5.8
  9. the config options page has something about Archive/Trash https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/206178884-Running-Sync-in-configuration-mode It says: "use_sync_trash" - "true" enables SyncArchive to store files deleted on remote devices. There's no parameter "folder_defaults.delete_to_trash" as you could see in https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/207371636-Power-user-preferences so apparently this parameter won't work. it would be also nice to know what exactly error is. is it "Can't parse config file "/blah/blah": "Error while parsing config file: Invalid key 'folder_defaults.delete_to_trash'"?
  10. run "ps aux | grep sync" and see how many rslsync processes you have. Looks like that after reboot sync service started up - the one where you've configured folders.
  11. better contact support and send crash dumps and debug logs: https://help.getsync.com/hc/en-us/articles/206664730-Collecting-debug-logs- https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/206214615-Collecting-crash-reports-mini-dumps-and-core-dumps
  12. "dir" : "Videos" "dir" : "Music" "dir" : "Pictures" .... what are these directories?? Use full path.
  13. @uremember809, please contact support with debug logs. Thank you.
  14. @FlyingJ, to fix SE_INVALID_PARAMETER try re-enabling CNG Key Isolation service on your PC. Usually this happens if Sync was not able to open NCrypt storage provider. @MrBiker, can you please tell me the support request #? You can learn it from ack mail "Your request received" sent back to you. I'll check its status.
  15. then please contact support with more details about your setup and steps to reproduce. Thank you.
  16. Do you see same problem on Sync v2.5.8 for Androids?
  17. This option is available for Advanced folders - you can remotely disconnect peers from the share. But only Owner can do that : https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/205471375-User-Management
  18. Doesn't this work for you? See attached file 2017_09_14_14_31_06.mp4
  19. if your devices are linked with one identity, it's expected - if you add/remove the folder from Sync on one of them, it's added/removed from Sync on other linked devices.
  20. sorry, somehow I missed the question about changing the settings. I only saw question max_torrent_metadata_size and it can be changed in WebUI , and change is saved in latest version all right. To clarify - support said that indeed folder_storage is to be changed in config, and option "change" for it will be removed from WebUI. Listening Port can be changed in Web UI on NASed. For docker - listening port can indeed in be changed in default sync.conf or docker file before building image, or in the config after. We'll see to improve this UX.
  21. It's the license ID that you copy and then paste, not the License key. Please use the license key, see instruction: https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/204762369-How-to-activate-remove-a-license-seat-
  22. @Zoppo Is there any reason why you use v2.3.? It's pretty outdated and now 2.5.8 is currently the latest. @vigilian please send the logs to support. Thank you.