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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. Yes - under "My Devices", select your current device and change its status from "Connected" or "Synced" to "Disconnected". You'll then be able to "connect" and specify the location of future incoming folders before they start syncing. For example, a new folder added on machine A will then appear on machine B, but won't start syncing until you click "Connect" on it, and specify a location for the folder to sync to,
  2. Sync will see the .zip archive as a single file, and treat it accordingly. However, in the case of larger files, Sync will try where possible to sync only those portions of the file that have actually changed rather than the entire file again each time.
  3. You can find a basic comparison of Free/Pro features here, a detailed comparison here ...and an in-depth overview of Free/Pro features here. Depends how you look at it! - $10 off, when the full cost is $40, actually equates to a 25% discount.
  4. The latest version of the 1.4.x branch is currently 1.4.110
  5. Yes - by setting/adding: "listening_port" : <port number>, to your config file
  6. Licensing is "per identity" (an identity is what links your devices together in 2.0 under "My Devices"), and not "per device". Therefore, for your 4 devices, you will need 1 license. Install the free/trial version of Sync 2.0 on all your devices, link them together under "My Devices", then enter your Pro license key on one device and it will automatically convert the other linked devices from free/trial editions to "Pro" editions.
  7. It's likely then that the initial indexing of the folder never completed after you originally added the folder. i.e. if you add a folder, then shut down Sync before the initial index has completed, the next time you run Sync, it will perform an initial index on the folder again, as it's never been able to complete a full index. Ensuring that Sync is allowed to fully index a new folder before shutting down Sync, should mean that on next run, only a re-index rather than an full initial index will be required.
  8. Sync needs to re-index folders its monitoring upon application startup in order to detect if any of those files have changed during the period whilst Sync wasn't running. However, this re-indexing process on application startup should be considerably faster than the initial indexing when you first add a new folder to Sync.
  9. There are known issues syncing TrueCrypt volumes, and you may need to check/adjust your TrueCrypt settings accordingly. For example, if TrueCrypt is set not to update its mtime when its contents changes, etc Sync may have difficulty detecting changes. If you have Sync working with TrueCrypt on another device, I'd suggest checking your TrueCrypt settings on that device, and copy those settings across to TrueCrypt on the device that isn't syncing.
  10. This is more a bug than a "feature request" - user's shouldn't need to have to do additional work like right clicking to refresh the UI - the UI should refresh itself. As such, I've moved this to feedback so the devs can look into this bug.
  11. "134" and "137" are informational status messages - NOT "error" messages. If you look closely in your log, they show "status:134 error:<NULL>" (i.e. null = no error). The log snippet you've supplied doesn't indicate an error. What it does show though is an "Access Denied" error. This will be the reason why the sync can't fully complete, and may be either due to the permissions on that particular file (other files in the folder seem ok), or it could be that that particular file is currently open/locked/in use by another application. In which case, closing that application/the file in that application should allow sync to complete.
  12. One of the requirements of Sync is that there is sufficient free space on drives for the amount of data you wish to sync. If there isn't data loss can occur. There are a few things you can do, however, to reduce the amount of physical disk space Sync uses: 1) Untick the "Store deleted files in folder archive" per-folder option 2) Reduce the advanced "sync_trash_ttl" setting from the default 30 (days) to 1 - this controls for how long deleted/archived files persist in various .sync/Archive folders 3) Ensure debug logging is disabled 4) Reduce the advanced "log_size" setting from the default 100 (MB)
  13. For information on ignoring files/folders, please refer to this help article. ...and, no - IgnoreList is "per machine" - it is not synced itself across devices.
  14. Try also adding the "config_save_interval" parameter, and set it high like "config_refresh_interval" and "folder_rescan_interval"
  15. No, it just means that you'll be able to continue using 1.4 (just as you can still use 1.3, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0, etc today - even though these are not in active development and may contain bugs, etc) No - 1.4 will remain a free offering, but will not be in active development/receive updates & new features, etc
  16. Sync does this so that when peers do become available, syncing can commence/re-commence immediately. There is no option to turn off this behavior (short of not running Sync when you know there are no other peers going to be available)
  17. Yes! ...and many users already do this though the use of encrypted keys (instead of regular full access/read only keys). In a nutshell, with an encrypted key, you can securely host a Sync node on a particular device, but that device won't have access to the folder's contents as they will be encrypted. Find out more here. As I say, the ability to have encrypted shares is already possible with Sync 1.4. Sync 2.0 however is just around the corner and there will be both a "free" and a "pro" edition available (full details on the features of each edition have yet to be released) The end-user license agreement for Sync may be viewed here (which has been updated for the forthcoming Sync 2.0 release)
  18. What is your "log_size" setting in Sync currently set to? (the default is 100 (MB))
  19. Click somewhere within Sync's UI window, then use Ctrl with +/- to increase/decrease the window's "zoom" factor. Ctrl with 0 will reset the "zoom" to default
  20. Yes - deleting a file from device A will not move the file to .sync/Archive on device A, the corresponding file on other devices you're syncing with however will be moved to .sync/Archive on those devices. This is correct, and intended, behavior. (as it's assumed that when you delete a file from device A, it ends up in the OS's own Trash/Recycle bin, so there's no need to Sync to also retain a second copy on that device) No - Sync's program settings do not synchronize between your devices - they are "per device" settings Not to my knowledge.
  21. It's important to remember that Sync is designed primarily to be a file synchronization tool, rather than a file collaboration tool. Its main purpose is simply to ensure that all devices have the latest version/most recent copy of a particular file. It's not designed to allow multiple people to work (collaborate) on the same file simultaneously and then "merge" everyone's edits together.
  22. Ok, well it's likely then that your Sync isn't currently listening for connections on The simplest solution would be to run Windows update and update your obsolete IE8 (yes, I realize you use Chrome primarily, but it won't do any harm to keep other installed software on your machine - like IE - up to date as well!) If however you wish to continue with an obsolete version of IE installed on your machine, you'll need to run Sync with a bare-bones config file to set/rest the listening IP/port for Sync. Your config file should look like this: (alternatively, you could specify "" to listen for connections from any other IP, not just from the local loopback ( address) Then run Sync with the /config <path_to_config_file> command line switch to apply the new WebUI settings