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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. The current builds of BitTorrent Sync 1.4 are compatible with Windows 2003. If nothing happens when you click on the installer you've downloaded to your server, it's likely that it's been blocked by your server (as it originates from an unknown source - i.e. the internet). Simply right click the file, select "Properties", and click "Unblock" - you should then be able to run the installer.
  2. @Luis Maria, I think by "two ADSLs" you means you have a device with "two NICs" (Network Interface Cards) - At present, for devices with multiple-NICs you can't currently specify/choose which NIC Sync uses. Please consider adding your desire for such functionality to the Feature Requests forum.
  3. It sounds like the btsync protocol has not been correctly registered on your Windows device. A re-install of Sync may resolve. However, you can also paste btsync links directly into Sync itself via the "Enter Key" option in the Preferences menu
  4. If I understand you correctly you wish to be able to Sync from Device A to Device B, and once complete automatically remove files from Device A, retaining them on Device B? If so, this functionality isn't currently possible, as Sync is designed primarily to keep files "In sync" across your devices rather than to "move files" between devices. However, you may wish to consider posting your idea in the Feature Requests forum. In relation to security, there are a number of articles/topics on this subject. Try here and here and here.
  5. ...or just use the encrypted nodes feature of BitTorrent Sync - which does exactly what @Marbux wants!
  6. Please refer to the Sync Help Center article "Collecting Debug Logs"
  7. I believe the issue are more around the detection of new/changed files - but have a search of the forums for "symlink" as there are a handful of topics from users who've encountered issues.
  8. @sup3rior, what version of Sync are you using? Moe's last reply references (and and I suspect panoptes' reply also does) functionality that is only present in the forthcoming Sync 2.0 (which is currently in alpha, so you may not be using it)
  9. Huh?? Since when has BitTorrent Sync been "ad supported", not allowed "remote access" to the UI, or been $20?!
  10. Selective file sync is already available in Sync 2.0 (right click on a folder entry in Sync's UI and turn "Sync All" to "Off")
  11. @sync25, "selective sync" is coming in Sync 2.0. This will allow you to share a folder with others, but rather than downloading the entire folder contents, the people you're sharing with will be able to pick & choose which files they "download". In relation to symlinks/folder junctions, some users have been able to make these work with sync, but be aware that symlinks/folder junctions aren't officially supported at this time and have been known to cause issues. You're probably best to avoid them if possible.
  12. The listening port is the port that Sync listens for connections from other devices on and then communicates with them/sends/receive data via. With UPnP enabled, Sync will pick a random port number and attempt to automatically open (map) this on your router/firewall. If you're behind a college firewall, UPnP is most likely disabled, and you would need to speak to your system administrator to ask them which ports are open/available, and set Sync to use one of those. Alternatively, if you can explain what Sync is to your system administrator and they understand that it's not a traditional torrenting client for downloading movies/tv/shows, etc, they may be able to assign/open a dedicated port for you to use for Sync.
  13. @uffowich, let's continue this matter in the other thread, rather than confusing things with having two near identical topics open on this same issue.
  14. You use the "Send Feedback" function within the app. This will ask you whether you wish to attach debug logs to your feedback
  15. Think of Sync as creating a "Mesh" network (i.e. nodes are all connected to each other). Therefore, it's not possible to Sync A to B to C. Rather, A can sync with B and C, B can sync with A and C, and C can sync with A and B (i.e. they all sync with each other)
  16. You cannot manually derive a key directly from a link
  17. Have you tried changing the listening port in Sync? Preferences -> Advanced -> Listening Port (and make sure you also untick "Use UPnP Port Mapping")
  18. As the affected shares are using read-only secrets, have you tried selecting the "Overwrite any changed files" option for these folders? If so, and yet your out-of-sync issues persist, please see this post as an experimental test build is available that may address out-of-sync issues.
  19. @Journeyman, constructive discussion and debate is welcome and encouraged in the forums, and RomanZ is certainly not trying to shut down that particular discussion/debate. However, given that the particular discussion/debate as to whether Sync should/shouldn't be "open source" isn't something new - or indeed something that's unique and specific only to version 2.0 of Sync, there are more suitable and relevant threads to further discuss/debate the privacy/security/pros/cons, etc of Sync in general being open vs closed source.
  20. In the Sync iOS app, in the list of folders you're syncing click the down arrow to the right of the particular folder in question, and turn on the "Auto-sync" option from that folder's menu.
  21. Such functionality (i.e. Sync to 2nd location then automatically delete from 1st, leaving 2nd intact) isn't currently possible. The Camera Backup option is a "backup" (one way) Sync. For a two-way sync, don't use the Camera Backup option, but instead add your camera's DCIM folder to Sync directly.
  22. Not at present. Whilst there is an API available for Sync, it isn't currently available for Sync on mobile platforms.
  23. Removing both "login" and "password" from the "webui" section of the config file, should allow you to access Sync's WebUI without requiring a login. Are you sure that you're running Sync with the specific config file you've made these changes in?