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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. If you have two devices syncing A and B, A has a "full access" key, and B has a "read only" key, any changes you make on B won't propagate back to A. The "Overwrite any changed files" option on B brings the device back in line with the current content of A. Example: 1) On device A you add a text file with some text and save it as "test.txt" 2) "test.txt" subsequently appears on device B 3) You make a change to the content of "test.txt" on A 4) The change propagates to B 5) You make a change to the content of "test.txt" on B 6) The change DOES NOT propagate back to A (as B has a "read only" key) The result is that B is now out of sync with A. "Overwrite any changed files" on B will re-sync A to B again so that both device's content is the same (and any changes made on B would be lost)
  2. Do you mean ...or do you actually mean
  3. What operating system are you on? this makes a difference as to where your config file will be located - if indeed one is present at all, if not, you can create a new, very simple/basic config file and run Sync with that to change/reset the Web UI password: For example, to remove the WebUI password, run Sync with the following config file (i.e. with the --config <path_to_config_file> or /config <path_to_config_file> command line switch depending upon your OS) ...or to specify a new Web UI password;
  4. Yes, 2.0 doesn't use keys/links by default anymore (although it can maintain backwards-compatibility with 1.4 folders) but rather 2.0 uses certificate based sharing instead. More information on the exact feature set of Sync 2.0/Sync 2.0 Pro, and differences/improvements over 1.4 will undoubtedly be released in the coming days...
  5. Well, I guess the first point to make is that Sync is primarily a file synchronization tool, rather than a file collaboration tool. You are correct, that assuming you're sharing "full access" links/keys between your devices that if someone deletes a file from one device, it will also be removed from all other devices. However, this is not an outright "delete", rather on all other devices the file will instead be "moved" to that folder's .sync/archive folder where it will persist for 7 days (by default, although you can change this duration). The alternative would be to use "read only" links/keys. On devices with such links/keys, files which are deleted there won't also be removed from other devices. Although, this also applies to any new/changed files - they won't propagate to other devices either. So, if you have as you say a "central server" and different workstations require access to different folders on that "central server", you could consider adding folders on the "central server" with "read only" keys, and then give a corresponding "full access" key for a particular folder to one workstation, and another to another. That way, only one workstation will be able to update the contents of their folder on the "central server" - others can still access the content, but won't be able to make changes, etc. As I say, though, do remember that Sync is primarily a file synchronization tool, rather than a file collaboration tool - it's not designed for multiple people to all be working on the same file/document at the same time and then for all their respective changes to be "merged" together - it's designed to ensure that the most up-to-date version of your files is synced to your other devices.
  6. 1) Uninstall Sync (make a note of your folders/keys first) 2) Remove all settings (/Users/username/Library/Application Support/BitTorrent Sync/) 3) Reinstall Sync 4) Re-add your previous folders/keys
  7. You're not "creating an account" or "registering" - you're simply being prompted to setup a local username/password to protect the user interface of your Sync from unauthorized use
  8. Sync doesn't have an "inbuilt pdf reader"! Sync isn't a file editor itself - Sync's sole function is to synchronize changes to files made through other applications.
  9. Sync won't commence syncing until its finished indexing the contents of the folder in question. Therefore, if the folder has just been added to Sync and is very large in size/contains a lot of files then depending upon the speed/performance of your device hardware, it can take a little time to complete the initial index of the folder. Once this initial indexing has complete, syncing will then occur. If you then subsequently add/modify/delete files in the folder whilst Sync is running, Sync won't perform a full re-index of the entire folder contents each time, and syncing should then occur much quicker.
  10. berradio, a screenshot isn't necessary seeing as you've provided your registry value. However, does Helen's description sound like it could be applicable to your case? i.e. Sync was originally installed under one user account, but then subsequently updated under another? Does changing the "Revision" value in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BitTorrent\Sync to from "101004c" to "104006e" (Hexadecimal) make any difference?
  11. The sample config file provides a hint at where these lines could go, but if in doubt, add them at the very end of the file right before the final closing "}" character. Yes, you can overwrite the current config file (back it up though first!) or save it somewhere else and run Sync with the --config <path_to_config> command line switch [More info]
  12. You can't - however, you can change BTsync.exe's processing "priority" so that it concedes CPU cycles to other applications. You can do this from the Task Manager by right clicking the BTSync.exe entry, selecting "Set Priority" from the menu, and choosing a value below "Normal". However, generally speaking Sync shouldn't consume a constant massive amount of CPU the entire time it's running. It'll consume more upon initial start up and when adding/indexing a folder, etc, but really, when Sync isn't doing anything (and is essentially "idle"), CPU usage should be low - it certainly shouldn't be at 100% the entire time. Consider opening a support ticket if your CPU usage remains constantly high the entire time Sync is running.
  13. There's already nothing stopping you adding a folder to Sync and then sharing it's key "publicly"! However, do remember that the primary purpose of Sync is to allow you to keep your files synchronized across your devices securely - it's not designed primarily to be a "public file sharing" application where you can "search" other people's files/shares. There are other software applications available for that purpose.
  14. Not everyone who uses, or wishes to use Sync, will also have a regular torrenting client installed as well. (i.e. Sync user's at work, rather than at home, are unlikely to be running/allowed to run a torrenting client in work, etc) Also, please bear in mind that Sync is currently in Beta - new "beta" build are being made available all the time. Making what's presently the "latest" beta build available via a torrent download would then mean that BitTorrent Inc no longer have control over its distribution - i.e. when a newer "beta" build subsequently becomes available, there's nothing to stop older, obsolete, builds still being "seeded" via torrent downloads. For these reasons, Sync should only be obtained from official download locations, which are presently, or via direct links posted by administrators/moderators in "pinned" threads in these forums.
  15. Not sure why you need the API? Just move the currently logged in user's %appdata%/BitTorrent Sync folder to the desired user's %appdata%/BitTorrent Sync folder. i.e. Move the folder "C:\Users\UserA\AppData\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync" to "C:\Users\UserB\AppData\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync"
  16. That won't work - the config file needs to be valid JSON. Your example would also require opening and closing { } marks and removal of the comma on the last line. Consider running Sync with the "--dump-sample-config" command line switch which will generate an example valid config file for you.
  17. You don't say what Operating System(s) you're running Sync on, however, generally speaking: 1) Simply renaming a file within the same folder won't cause the file to be re-transmitted. 2) Modifying a file's "metadata" however will cause the file to be re-transmitted.
  18. No - it is not possible to derive a full key from a read only key. If you no longer have access to the full key from another device, you will need to generate new keys for your folder on your various devices
  19. Have you applied for and received an API key? Hint: Click the "Request API Key" button on this page. You will be unable to use the API without a valid API key
  20. Well, you could potentially utilize the get_folder_peers call of the Sync API to regularly monitor the number of peers connected from your own program/script, and if this number drops to zero it's a safe assumption that the other device(s) you're syncing with have either gone offline or Sync isn't running on them
  21. Try changing it a second time, and you'll find you can't! - You can only set (change) the device name once.