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Everything posted by Helen

  1. @all, Yes, Sync relies on ctime, which may be different from mtime. If Sync is off and file is changed/touched/moved/etc, ctime will equal the time Sync will start, and this file will be synced, regardless of what mtime it and other peers have. So checking what might be updating the file - is the first thing in debug. Also, workflow is a key factor there, cause there may be a race between when changes are saved, then file opened again, re-synced, closed, detected, etc. We had multiple cases when same file was edited at the same time on different machines, and the last detected ctime update got synced. So every person is invited to send the logs for analysis, with as precise description of the workflow as possible. Thank you.
  2. Snorvarg, >Is it the sheer size of the folder that brings it to it's knees? Not that much the size, and the number of files and nested folders. if you have a bug number of relatively small folders, and there are longs paths and a lot of subfolders in the share, it may cause a problem with freezing and low speed. Also, the physical location plays role, for example, network shares are known to work slower, external drives may be improperly mounted, or get unmounted, etc. > I hoped it would be intelligent enough to see it was a partially synced folder. When Sync sees some files in a just added folder, it hashes them and compares the hashes on source peer. If they are the same, files will not be re-synced. It'll be good, if you could send the logs from both machines to us. Thank you!
  3. jgnetsec, unlink that folder from Sync, so that your activity in it will not be synced, organize the files and link an existing folder you, as far as I can tell, wanted to add initially If you devices is linked in Synced or Connected mode, folders, that you add on other devices, will be automatically created in default path. If there is already a folder with such a name, Sync will create a new one with (1) index. To avoid it, link device in Disconnected mode, and manually pick a folder location when connecting it.
  4. Chrismo16, known issue. try restarting app. this pop up shall go away
  5. pdxrlk, So this is definitely damaged settings. Great that it's working now. Mark this section as solved.
  6. vip00, What is your linux, what Sync you have installed, how you install and run it, from where? What folders are added to Sync and where do they physically reside? From console run ulimit -c unlimited From this console window launch Sync, have it crashed, and collect dump from Sync storage (.sync folder near binary). Also, please send logs from all three machines. Thank you!
  7. pdxrlk, Looks like settings got lost/corrupted. Did Sync crash right before you saw that? Was anything changed in the setup right before it happened? It's on Windows? Can you send Sync storage (%Appdata%\ BitTorrent Sync) to us? Make sure you have debug logging enabled Yes, not it's to re-link the devices. Unless you backed up the settings from storage.
  8. Make sure That reg key "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.css\Content Type" contains "text/css" Also, open IE, press ALT key to bring up the menu and go to Tools > Developer Tools ( or press F12 on keyboard instead). At the bottom window see Console: 1) To the right see Emulation mode (icon with desktop screen and mobile screen). Set it to Edge (or at least higher than 9). 2) Little left to it, in 'Emulation' section set "Document mode" and "User agent string" to Edge (Default) (or at least higher than 9 also). And finally - did you install/uninstall any updates on IE?
  9. This was discussed in a support ticket.
  10. chadw, Sorry, were not able to reproduce it. Can you share the screenshot at least?
  11. marcel_dj, When you restart Sync - does it prompt with "This is my fist device" vs "link to another device" screen? This error means that Sync has no identity yet, or it cannot be saved properly in settings. This may be caused by: 1) incorrect shutting Sync down. For example, force kill or hard reboot of the NAS. 2) lack of permissions. Please check it (ssh is the easiest), for each file in folder /usr/local/bittorrentsync/var. Make sure that user 'admin' has read-write access to configuration files., especially for settings.dat and settings.dat.old, sync.dat and sync.dat.old.3) installing or upgrade was interrupted. Reinstalling will help.
  12. BrianGilbert, Sync 1.4 has limit of 50 peers that can be sharing folder at a time, indeed. Sync 2.0 - has limit of 100 peers at present, and it does not depend on Free or Pro. Perhaps, in future we will raise it for Pro, but I'm not sure, this is yet TBD
  13. JamieKitson, Try enabling it. The screenshot on the phone says - Connecting (to Windows). It happens if something changes it RO folder. Enabling that option will re-sync the files from phone
  14. yassermkh, We've created a ticket for you. let's proceed there.
  15. There is no way to remotely disconnect a device, but you can disconnect the local ones, which in the end is still the same 1) remove all the folders from Sync from your local device. When you "Remove" it, the folder is also removed from Sync from other *linked devices*, so at this point syncing will stop. 2) Unlink your local devices from the current identity. Better reinstall Sync with deleting the settings. And create new identity for them. At this point the stolen device will not have access to your identity and the folder you will be adding to Sync. Well, and if License is purchased - apply it once again. However, the files residing on the stolen device will be available for the thief. However, prior to step 1 you may delete the files from sync folders on your devices, hoping that Sync runs on the stolen one and deletion will be propagated (placed to archive though). So please be careful with your belongings There is article about it
  16. yassermkh, Finder extensions used to crash. This was fixed in latest build
  17. JamieKitson, On the last screenshot which of the devices - is the mentioned PC? Do you have "Overwrite any changed files" on OC enabled for this folder?
  18. nivedl, Then try deleting settings.dat and setting.dat old from %Appdata%\ BitTorrent Sync if your haven't already.
  19. Ramjet007, You have "Sync all" disabled for this folder? I suppose that what you've described - is the bts placeholder? If yes, then the file will be downloaded only when the other peer is online, that's correct.
  20. haitzo, There are no "new file aded" notification. It's just "Foldername started syncing" (on desktops, not mobiles). You can see which files and by which peer was added in History, on desktops.
  21. @all, Do you launch it under admin account? I assume the problem is with cryptoprovides. First of all make sure that you have Crypto Services enabled in your machines (in Administrative tools in Control panel) If these are running, please send the logs to us @rugby_owl, What was your ticket #? Support replies to all Pro tickets.
  22. nivedl, in Control Panel\Programs\Turn Windows features on or Off - is IE 11 enabled or disabled?
  23. snorman, you did it all by yourself, thank you for sharing the solution with others. marking it as solved.