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Everything posted by Helen

  1. yes, it was fixed in 2.0.125
  2. Then Sync is not installed on SD card, right? Can you please check write permission to sd card in general and to Sync's sandbox in particular - you can do it either via Terminal app for Android, or by connecting it to a desktop. Unfortunately we cannot reproduce it on either of our devices, so can you please tell us if there is anything special about Sync installation/shared folder/your sd card? What file systems is it? Did it work on older versions of Sync?
  3. yeah, we know about this problem. Showing all synced files is in the backlog and we hope to implement it one day.
  4. We also hope that it will be done one day. So far, for the reasons mentioned above, it has to be expected yet. Thank you all for your understanding.
  5. Yes, the official ones. Leo Moll added others to his package. that's right - those who use his package cannot update from official site, they can do that via package manager, if the package is updated accordingly
  6. irv, on ios synced files are marked with a blue tick. You can see synced files in the current folder by tapping three dot menu -> Show synced files. But unfortunately it will show you synced files only for the current directory.
  7. moosa, What version on Sync you use? Did you try reinstalling it after update of Windows? If not, please try. If the problem remans, please file a ticket to Support Team via the web form mentioned here. Together with logs please send process dump (Task manager -> Right click on Sync -> Dump) when the problem is being reproduced. Do not forget to put a link to this forum topic. Thank you.
  8. nmax, Sync's sample config doesn't have this parameter. Where did you get it from and what exactly BitTorrent Sync did you install? From official site?
  9. Napperkt, Thanks, got them.
  10. Stardust, What Sync version you use? This was a known bug in older versions of Sync and is fixed by now. Please update your peers from here
  11. Yes, it's possible. Here's the step-by-step guide on how to do it
  12. recreating folder structure is necessary for hashing jobs. This is by design.
  13. MoultoMan, perhaps that file not saving changes after reboot comes from the custom's ROM? Or platform.xml files lacking permissions. In an adb shell set permission: command chmod 0644 /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml But please note this is just an advice and please do this is you are fully aware of the outcome and can take responsibility for that.
  14. MoultoMan, if your device is rooted, you may give access to all apps on your device. Please note that the following instruction is not official, so please do it only in case you realise the risks and take responsibility for the outcome. 1. Go to /system/etc/permissions. 2. Open platform.xml and find “WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE“ 3. Add permission <group gid=”media_rw” />. 4. Save changes and reboot device.
  15. Stephan, License is reusable. And after you tested it in your test environment, you can use it on production after. But it can be used only on one environment at a time. Cause same one-seat license cannot be applied (either via link of btskey file) on several machines. Only on one, making it Pro. Other machine need to be linked to this Pro identity. If after that you will apply the license on another machine, it will take Pro from the first machine.
  16. teoky, Let's proceed in the ticket. A suggestion was provided there.
  17. Stephan, >A license server is only used to retrieve a license file for a given identity. that's right, relax, no server is required to keep your Sync Pro. Server is only needed to generate and send the license to you. Further the license is kept locally on your devices, independently of BitTorrent's servers. >If no license file is available for a given identity, the client just uses the "free" mode. if I get it right - yes. if it's not Pro, it's Free. Or trial >The entire license check is done on client side by validating the license file (cryptographic signature) and making sure the license file matches the current identity. not exactly. The client checks license signature (yes), and makes sure the license is valid. So part "making sure the license file matches the current identity." - no. License has no predefined identity, as it can be used on any. >No server connection asking "is the current license file still valid" is established. that's right. License expiration date is encoded into license itself.
  18. depends The instruction for logs has bold point 5. Mobile devices In order to send logs from a mobile device, send a new feedback and agree to attach a log. In this feedback indicate where the log refers to (for example, the support ticket the logs were requested at) or describe the problem in detail.
  19. The reason for - Your config file prevents you from accessing this folder - : Each package on a NAS runs with a config file where primary settings are defined. In particular on QNAP : "directory_root" : "/share", "directory_root_policy" : "belowroot" The first line means that adding shared folders start at /share by default the second lines means that you can create folder below_root, i.e. below /share, in other words - in a subfolder of /share directory. This is done in this way to avoid messing up permissions, since Sync on NAS's runs under admin, which doesn't have rw access to all folders in /. You may use any console editor, that you feel comfortable using. change "directory_root" : "/share", to "directory_root" : "/", and save it. You might need to restart Sync or NAS. You may change config manually and set "directory_root" : "/", but please be careful about it, so that permissions for other folders in / directory remained correct. And make Sure you give admin RW access to necessary folders you are going to sync. On QNAP sync.conf (config file) is located at /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/BitTorrentSync/.sync/ where instead of MD0_DATA, it may be HDA_DATA, CACHEDEV1_DATA, ... or whatever volume you choose to install Sync.
  20. @all, check that you have SyncShellExtensionXXXXX.dll bewr BTSync in the folder where you've installed it. Relaunch explorer.exe Make sure that this folder has 'Sync all" disabled, and that it's not RO folder.
  21. When Sync is off, it has no chance to determine when exactly file was changed. It will determine that only when it's turned on. ctime - is not the file's attribute, it's the temstamp in Sync's database = time when Sync detected file change. 1) person1 updates file on peer1. closes the file. 2) same moment person2 opens same file on peer2, works on it. 3) Sync1 detects file change. 4) person 2 closes the file - so file2 is the newer for both people. 5) Sync1 starts uploading the file. 6) Sync2 it starts syncing file1. file2 is overwritten. then it depends on the app where the file is edited, if on step 4) that app closed and updated the file and notified system about it, if it will inform person2 on step 6) that the file has changed while it's still open, and manymany other use cases. That is why description of the workflow is much appreciated. Sync just syncs the bits of files that it's notified about. Instruction for log , overall information on how to report an issue