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Everything posted by GreatMarko

  1. I'd suggest looking back through the changelogs of the various builds of 1.4.x that there have been, as these outline what's been changed/fixed/improved since 1.3.109 (the last version of 1.3) Also see "Introducing Sync 1.4 Beta" for differences between 1.3 and 1.4 Finally, do be aware that 1.3 is no longer maintained and whilst 1.3.109 remains largely compatible with current 1.4 builds (with the exception of links which aren't compatible), there's no guarantees that 1.3 will continue to remain compatible with future versions of Sync going forward.
  2. It sounds like the folder you're adding files to was originally added to Sync on your iOS device prior to its update to iOS8? If this is the case, please see this post for more information and a potential workaround.
  3. @all As has now been mentioned numerous times; This is a known issue affecting files with non-ASCII characters in their filenames on Linux computers only. As RomanZ indicated just yesterday, "Please expect fix in next build (sorry - no ETA)"
  4. You can change this via the advanced "log_size" setting
  5. Earlier this week, the team were able to identify and resolve a issue with the iOS app that prevented it from syncing at all under iOS8, and the update has been sent to Apple for review. Apple require all apps to be reviewed before appearing in the app store - a process that can frustratingly take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks! - so right now, we're in Apple's hands! Once this update does becomes available in the iTunes store it should - hopefully - resolve the ongoing issues with Sync not syncing on iOS8 devices. The devs determined that the reason existing folders stopped syncing after an update to iOS8, was because Apple has changed some paths. If you can't wait for the update, removing your existing folders from Sync on iOS and re-adding them back again (and in the case of Camera Backup, turning this off and on again) should allow syncing to start again, but as I say, the fix for this issue itself should be coming in the next update, which is presently in Apple's hands...
  6. It's "likely" that there will be a new build in the coming days/in the next week or so, however, as outlined a number of times in the forums already, whilst Sync remains in "Beta" there's no fixed public release schedule/road map.
  7. Have you checked what exclusion rules you've currently got in your .sync\IgnoreList file?
  8. The two things are not mutually exclusive! - Let's take Firefox as an example, Firefox 34 is currently in "Beta"! - A product can be in "beta" phase regardless of it's actual version number.
  9. "Out of sync" issues are being discussed in this dedicated thread.
  10. Please see the "Known Issues" section at the very top of this thread - there are currently issues with file names containing non-English characters
  11. uPnP - see:
  12. For information on what these "Icon" files are, please see the answers to this post on Superuser. Do you have a "" rule in your .sync\StreamsList file?
  13. It's likely to be anywhere between a couple of days - a couple of weeks, a delay due in no small part to Apple's approvals process for apps
  14. If your router supports uPnP, Sync will automatically try to open a port itself. Otherwise, you will need to manually open a port on your router (the same as the one specified in the "Listening Port" setting in Sync)
  15. recojohnson's issue was that he couldn't resize columns at all. This was a known issue in earlier 1.4.x builds, but has since been addressed in the most recent updates to 1.4. Your separate concern about the share and settings menu not being visible "at all times for each line" has already been expressed in your post over in the 1.4.93 thread.
  16. You need to hold down Shift whilst right-clicking the tray icon in order for the "Enable Debug Logging" option to show
  17. Please keep your comments on-topic - You'll find the Feature Request forum here.
  18. So to clarify; do you mean you ARE using encrypted secrets then!? (just ones created without the API, as per the link you reference?)
  19. Please see RomanZ's previous posts in this thread: ...and said previous post: So, therefore, it's likely that there will be a new build this week - but that's not guaranteed, as there's no public roadmap/release schedule whilst Sync remains in Beta.
  20. Yes, but the point is still valid; IE8 is the default browser on a fresh install of Windows 7. If you don't use IE, and have turned off updates, you could still be running Win7/IE8 - which some forums members are doing. So, the issue is less which version of Windows you're running and more about what version of IE is installed.
  21. There's a related request in the Feature Request forum for "Selective Sync", which you may like to consider adding your voice to.
  22. I don't - however, if you don't want to wait, then you can manually obtain the latest build, 1.4.93, here.