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Everything posted by Helen

  1. are you sire you stop the process and not just close UI?
  2. all peers? Crash on encrypted folders was fixed in 2.5.10. If all have 2.5.12 and still Sync crashes, send crash dumps and debug logs to support.
  3. same as here? those are symbolic links (junctions) by Windows and they make Documents folder unavailable for Sync. You can remove them if you don't need them, use command rmdir or rd from elevated command prompt
  4. You can close Sync before rebooting the PC or use any of the workarounds suggested in the Internet: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_perf-insiderplat_pc/programs-autostart-after-boot-in-windows-10-fall/09dd8d3e-7b36-45d1-9181-6587dd5d53ab?auth=1 https://superuser.com/questions/1261910/after-windows-10-fall-creators-update-recent-used-app-will-launch-on-startup
  5. Sync also keeps archive. Plus, there's no need to re-sync anything - you can just reconnect the already synced folders. To investigate "identity lost" issue, please DO contact support! Thank you!!
  6. then they'll try to connect through relay server. If relay is also not available, then they won't connect.
  7. the listening port will be different for each Sync instance, so may be yours is 25588. For outgoing TCP connections a random port is picked though.
  8. If you're syncing your personal or family data with non-commercial purposes, you can use Sync Home. As soon as it's all business and work, EULA requires Sync Business.
  9. Check here: https://www.windows10forums.com/threads/system-volume-information-fileprotector-folder.12378/
  10. better contact support and give them the logs with this case recorded there - right after reproduction. Mention the files affected and take the logs from at least two peers - the one where files are moved to Archive and the one that is mentioned in history as "Peer_name removed files"
  11. cannot reproduce it on our Macs - all menus in menubars are working all right. Check that Sync is in focus - switch to some other app and them back to Sync.
  12. within one share you may have peers connected directly, and some - through relay. doesn't option "use relay" in share prefs work?? Check the guide for Sync here: https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us !
  13. Sync uses GMT unix timestamps, these are calculated with peer's local time and timezone settings. So regardless of time zones your peers are in, timestamps are still unified. To ensure that time is calculated all right, peers shall have correct time settings. Otherwise, Sync will give the error: https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/204753599--Excessive-time-difference-error
  14. Here's instruction: https://help.getsync.com/hc/en-us/articles/206664730-Collecting-debug-logs- support will need logs from PC as well. Don't forget to indicate for which files the problem is true, so that support check these in the logs. Thank you. And a few screenshots from the phone would be also of use.
  15. fixed the link. needed to have changed 2.5.11 to 2.5.12
  16. I don't think that cache can in any way affect syncing this way. I can only think of a bit of RAM being freed. If you could send the logs to support, that would help to tell more
  17. apparently at this step the configured identity was not saved properly. Did you indeed just closed UI or stopped the process? I suppose it's the latter. Go to My Devices -> This device -> Unlink. Create new identity and link it to others.
  18. Might be same as here, cannot tell for sure not seeing any logs from your Sync. forum.resilio.com/topic/42604-solved-sync-high-cpu-large-logs-constant-indexing
  19. Download and manually install 2.5.12 from the site.
  20. Update the keys: DEB: wget -qO - https://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/key.asc | sudo apt-key add - RPM rpm --import https://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/key.asc