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Everything posted by RomanZ

  1. @merc68k What about other peers activity? If other peers connected are changing files - your local PC will sync them (and prevent PC from sleeping).
  2. @syncfan Depending on your Android edition and ExtSD card filesystem your max file size might be limited to 4Gb. What is the approx. file size in your case?
  3. @Fabio Try activating Sync window and pressing Win-<left> or Win-<right> several times (depends if second monitor is configured to lay left or right from the primary one). It will automatically move Sync window with half-of-monitor-per-hit granularity.
  4. @zoidicus Actually, BTSync has 2 separate mechanisms on working with firewalls and routers. UPnP / NAT-PMP is used to map ports automatically from local router / NAT to workstation running Sync. Also, BTSync can "ask" local Windows Firewall to allow incoming connections to certain port (the "Listening port" actually). Unchecking "Use UPnP for port mapping" actually prevents Sync from emitting UPnP / NAT-PMP packets (you can try packet capture with wireshark). So I suspect that Norton reacts on the API we use to allow incoming connections in Win Firewall.
  5. @increa Which version of Internet Explorer do you have? Starting from version 1.4 Sync has a web-based UI. We use Internet Explorer engine to render it on Windows machines - and Sync requires IE9 or newer to display it properly. If IE9 is not found on your Windows machine, Sync will attempt to open WebUI in any default browser you have (and request username and password). This does not happen on Mac, of course. Both Mac and Win version requires Sync to be running and user to be logged in - otherwise Sync won't be operating and synchronizing data.
  6. @xmppnode It doesn't look like btsync issue. The shell (bash) says it cannot find the file specified. Have you checked the most simple stuff - like, that "btsync" binary name does not contain some letter from other alphabet? Can you rename or copy sync's binary from terminal?
  7. @sandymac sync.dat and sync.dat.old is the only place secrets are stored. If you got some other peers with non-corrupt sync.dat - you can get secrets from there.
  8. @Scribulations Let me clarify couple of things. Please confirm / clarify the following: 1. You got some folder synced between Debian, W10, W7, Android. 2. You have a keepass DB there. 3. You copied the newest DB on Android to sync folder. 4. New DB (one in sync folder) did not propagate to your home Windows PC 5. New DB (one in sync folder) was replaced with old one from PC. Is this correct?
  9. @JoeJoomla If you are using ReadyNAS Duo v1 - Sync won't be able to run on it due to SPARC CPU architecture. Though, it looks like Duo v2 runs on ARM CPU (Marvell 6282) so Sync should run just fine. Please see ReadyNAS instructions on app installation.
  10. Hi Ivan, Could you please collect debug logs and send to me? @Finar Thanks, we can see it in ticketing system.
  11. @vocatus Looks like port forwarding configured correctly. I can only guess that your pfsense randomizes the port when Sync connects to tracker - therefore Tracker reports invalid port. Try disabling the tracker and putting valid public IP:port to predefined hosts. This can also be debugging with full output debug log - you need to search for messages with "connection" keyword and "tunnel" keyword. Or just collect both logs and send to me.
  12. @itrslin, @Bitwise No, actually the date displayed is stored in database. The DB is automatically cleared when you "Disconnect" the folder and created from scratch when you add it. So - no need to delete .sync folder.
  13. @pjank Thanks for elaborating - we'll try to reproduce in lab and fix.
  14. @heliumhel One more thing to check - when you supply Sync with the private key - you need to decrypt it to make sure it won't demand password from Sync to actually access the key.
  15. @sapnho If you installed not a packaged version - then all you need is to simply open .sync subfolder (it stays next to binary) and clean it up. If you got packaged version - then you'll need to find the "storage" folder location - it is mentioned in the config file which mentioned as a parameter to sync's binary.
  16. @eheaton It is not advised to sync these folders. Writing to Applications folder often requires root privileges, while data stored in App Support and Preferences may contain system-specific data (like paths) which is valid for only Mac where it originates from.
  17. @tietze111 Unfortunately, the fix included in 1.4 did not address the issue completely. We are still working to resolve it.
  18. @delphifeel When running Sync with API you can push all the Proxy settings directly into config file. Does it work for you?
  19. @maverick Sync does not run as service out-of-the-box, so you have to do some tricks to force it running like that. Also, it does not send notifications when exist, though (as any other process) can be polled to see if it is running or not.
  20. @eazq What you are asking is pretty much to replace OS API calls with calls to API client. It is not possible at current implementation - so I only can suggest with emulating it with own driver or with some stub folder.
  21. @mh5bl No, it does not make any difference. Sync 1.4 core stores ignorelist and archive in .sync subfolder. The .SyncArdhive and .SyncIgnore are treated as regular files in 1.4.
  22. @VTCop Yes, you can - if your "camera roll" folder is not included in backup yet. Indeed, now full sync folder can be initiated only from PC, though we plan to change it in future.
  23. @Bitwise There is. Please see "folder_defaults.use_tracker" and "folder_defaults.use_relay" advanced preferences.
  24. @Ima Fakeologist Currently there is no function to add a folder to sync from mobile. It should originate from PC / non-mobile platform, then you can read QR code and add some folder you wish on your Android (though, KitKat limiation still applies - so if you want to sync something from ExtSD - do it in Sync's home folder - "/Android/data/com.bittorrent.sync"). We plan to improve this functionality in future, so one will be able to start syncing folder from mobile. Though you can choose backup - and do it with any folder you wish (as during backup Sync does not write data, you can choose any folder on ExtSD card).
  25. @patoka They both are very secure by one simple reason: they do not have access to your data. When your Sync connects to tracker - it sends its share IDs (which is public and gives no hint about content or key) and local IP. Tracker keeps the list of connected shareIDs and lets other peers know a global and local IP:port for new peer. The rest is done without tracker. Relay server simply proxies data packets from one peer to another when direct connection is not possible. As packets in global network are encrypted by default - relay has no idea what is passing by. The predefined hosts can be used when either you don't want to use tracker server or when you have complex network setup and want explicily let Sync know which IP and port use to connect to remote peer. @jmr01 There is a known case when Sync can overwrite new files with old ones. It is bound to the way how Sync monitors file changes. It reproduces when same file was changed on 2 peers and Sync was off on one of them. When Sync starts up, it will believe that file that was changed while it was off is the newest and might overwrite this file on second peer.